Chapter 1: Assignment

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Hanji's POV

Commander Keith had called me up regarding our new guests. All I heard was their names, and nothing more. Why should I know more? I'm nothing more than just one of the few Section Commanders in the Survey Corps. Just a simple person. 

Finally, I've arrived to the Commander's Quarters, sighing heavily before rapping at the door. A faint, "come in," was said. I opened the doors and walked inside.

Greeted by more males, I sighed without having my face show the stress. "You called, Commander?"

He nods, clasping his hands together. Miche was standing to his right as Commander Pyxis and Commander Nile were seated in front. Gelgar was standing near the door with my assistant Moblit and Erwin. Some other Section Commanders, but they're not really important. There was another Military Police superior, but I haven't had the faintest clue on who it was. I hate being in a room full of guys. But at least, this shows that I am valued not based on my gender.

"Yes, I did. And we have some more information on their background. We were discussing if it's safe enough for each Section Commander to take one of the trio and train them personally. And I do not want to make gender a huge thing- but with the amount of male Section Commanders in this room, I think Isabel Magnolia would be better off under your care."

"I see what you mean, and I think it would be best for Isabel. What of the other two?"

"Miche will be having Levi as Erwin is going to take care of Farlan. But thanks to Bradly," Keith points to the other Military Police guy, we found out about their... records. Other than their burglary charges, Levi has more of a violent streak. Miche is perfect for handling him."

"Is that all then?"

Commander Nile cleared his throat. "Are we sure this is okay, Erwin? We have files for Levi having something close to murder charges."

"Which we will find out ourselves." Erwin sighed, rubbing his temples. "I've recruited Levi and his team, and I know they are plotting something. Murder, perhaps. But listen here, I'll be in charge of all three of them. Although, I'm grateful for having you, Miche and Hanji, to help me integrate them well into the Survey Corps."

Commander Keith sighed heavily, "We just needed the two other commanders to know we have complete control over this trio. Are you two satisfied with this, Commander Pyxis and Commander Nile?"

I watched the two commanders nod their head. Although Commander Nile was more stern about the results. "And what happens if they are convicted of murder or other crimes while being in the Survey Corps? Surely that gives the citizens more doubt about have the Survey Corps around if their own members are breaking the laws. Especially if they even hear that they recruited people who broke the laws-."

"Easy, Nile," Command Pyxis chuckles softly, "I know you just got your job position as commander, but listen here. I've read the reports about Levi matching Miche- and he's considered one of the strongest. With all honesty, I believe the phrase is... 'if you can't beat them, recruit them.' So then, we can train to be on our side. Understand?"

"But it's dangerous-."

"Dangerous, but I'm willing to take the risks." Erwin steps up. "Will all due respect to you, Commander Nile, but if we train him well enough, and with his reflexes, he can train others to be more flexible. Hence, we can get better results."

Commander Nile opened his mouth to say something, but closed it after a few seconds. He has no power within the Survey Corps, thankfully. Otherwise he would have us shut down and keep humanity safe. He doesn't seem like one of those corrupted officers, which is good for a change. The last one was a jerk.

"It's decided then." Commander Keith looked towards Miche, Erwin, and I. "You three go and retrieve them from their cabin. It's time to begin their training."

"At this hour?!" Commander Nile was jolted when he heard about this. "My condolences."

"Commander Nile," I began without hesitance, "they've been exposed to darkness for as long as they been down in the Underground City. If we keep exposing them to the sun without them adjusting slowly, we might as well blind them."

Commander Keith gave a soft smile towards me. 

"Excuse me, I'll go and fetch Isabel and begin her training. Erwin, Miche, are you coming with me?"

Commander Keith raised his hand, stopping Erwin and Miche. "Not those two. I need to discuss a few things regarding about Farlan and Levi. Isabel doesn't seem to have shown a violent tendency- unlike the other two. Get the other Scouts to help retrieve her from the boys."

"Of course."

*   *   *

I knocked on the door, clearing my throat. "It's me," I began, "Section Commander Hanji Zoe. I'm here to retrieve Isabel Magnolia. Isabel, we have to begin training." I knocked a few times, sighing heavily. Reaching for the doorknob, I gave out a small warning. "I'm coming inside-."

I just twisted the doorknob and I felt this force onto me. My back met the wooden floors as I saw nothing but black. "Gah!"

"Stand down!" I heard one of the Scouts shouting at the heavy weight on me. 

Once my vision returned to normal, I saw Levi on me. His hands were gripping around my neck, and he just stared down at me without a second thought. He didn't speak anything to me. Just having a neutral face on as he held my neck. Not too tightly.

"Stand down!" The same Scout shouted, and Levi did not budge.

"I'm just here to get Isabel. I promise, she'll be back here- safe and sound. I need to train her."

"Train? At this hour?" Farlan walked out of the cabin, shaking his head. "I thought we were getting trained tomorrow morning. Isabel's sleeping."

"And you're not?"

Farlan gave a soft chuckle, "I like looking at the night sky when it's cloudless tonight. And Levi doesn't sleep much- and we'll just leave it at that. Levi, get off of her. She's harmless. Are you sure Isabel will not get hurt?"

"We're just testing her abilities for now. We'll be back in an hour or two."

Levi finally got off of me. Scoffing a bit. He still haven't spoken a thing to me. Groaning heavily, I got to my feet, brushing off some dust. "Levi, I'll go find get her. Entertain the lady-."

"I'm Section Commander to you three." I scowled a bit, crossing my arms. "And I don't need entertaining. I can wait here in silence with... Levi here. I'll be fine. Besides, Erwin and Miche are going to be here soon to train you guys as well. I just got the head-start."

Farlan left me alone with Levi outside of the cabin. The Scouts, who escorted me, stood down and kept a close eye on the two of us. Mostly on Levi. Of course. He's the dangerous one out of the trio.

"So," I looked back into those gray eyes of his, tilting my head. "You can match Miche's strength, right? Interesting. Maybe if it's possible, I would like to examine you. I've never seen a man like you-."

"Like me?"

I chuckled, nodding my head. "It's not your height, Levi, but it's actually your physique. Miche has such big muscles, but if you can match him... your muscles don't really- can I please take a look at them?"

Levi took a step back, scoffing. "No."

"Well, I'm not gonna do anything bad- I just want to examine-."

"Section Commander Hanji," Farlan had brought the weary-eyed Isabel. "Here she is. Please bring her back to us safe and sound."

I nodded my head, walking away with Isabel by my side. "Of course. Isabel, it's a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Hanji." Isabel crossed her arms as she walked with a tantrum. I felt sorry... she just wanted some sleep... but she's able to open her eyes clearly now since it's dark. "For now, I just want to test your skills. I've heard of your 3D-Manuever skills. Perhaps when your eyes grow used to the sun, then I can see them perfectly clear."

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