Chapter 4: Concluding Our Examination

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Hanji's POV

Since Levi was already half-naked, he didn't take long to undress. Half the time, I don't mind not wearing clothes, but now... now... it's a little weird. Once in the bathroom, I found my hands were slightly trembling as I tried to unbutton my shirt. Could I do it? No, I'm afraid to.

"Hanji?" I turned around to see Levi, bare naked at the tub.

"Ahh... I've never done this. You're very lax about this, Levi... how's that? Have you been around other women like this? Makes me wonder... ah, it's nothing. Let's carry on."

I began my examination on Levi; my cheeks growing red with embarrassment as I checked every part of him. I've never seen a male's body like this other than books! It's so... interesting. Also, I'm learning more from Levi than-.

Wincing softly as I rolled my shoulders a bit. It ached from soreness. Probably from our last expedition when I accidentally dislocated my shoulder from a slight equipment malfunction. But it's also due to the stress. It was nothing.

"Are you okay?" Levi asks, caressing my cheek gently. "Are you hurt or something like that?"

I shook my head, tracing my fingers down into his private regions. "Lately, I've been under pressure from Commander Keith's... well, I wouldn't say demands. He's under a bit of stress from the Military Police and others. I'm just... tired."

"And can't sleep?"

"Of course. Why? You have trouble sleeping, Levi?"

He nods a bit, caressing my cheek again. "I do. Back in the Underground, I heard of a stress relieving technique. I might've seen it before... but I need someone to help me... well, perform it."

"Ohh? This is so interesting... hey- I want to know about this technique, Levi. Show me!"

Levi got up to me, nuzzling his nose on my cheek. "Do you... really want me to show you, Hanji? It'll be... interesting... I only seen it-."

Then, there was a bang on the door. I heard it was Erwin- even from behind two wooden doors. "Hanji, it's me, Erwin. Miche's here with me. We can't seem to find Levi. Have you seen him?" There were more knocks and more of my name being called out.

I buttoned my shirt back up and put my uniform back on. "Hold on, I'm coming, Erwin!" I shouted, then turned my attention to Levi. "Put your clothes back on. You have less than 2 minutes to get dressed. I'll distract them as much as possible."

Levi looked... disappointed. He only nodded his head and started getting dressed. 

Without another second wasted, I walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Quickly I walked to the main door, moving the iron locks to unlock it. "Ah, Erwin, Miche. Yes, I've seen Levi. He's in the bathroom- over there." I pointed to the bathroom with a smile. "Was there a problem?"

Miche nodded, walking inside. "Yes. There is. He was supposed to be at the cabin where we were going to see how well he's can use the 3D-Manuever Gear. Instead, he's holed up here. With you. What was he trying to do?"


Erwin shook his head, sighing softly. "You're not part of the medical staff here. So why are you examining him?"

"I'm just curious. The fact he's quite smaller than Miche... and he's able to match him... that says something, right? It's something so abnormal-."

"Hanji," Erwin was quite stern with his words as he turned me down. Hell, it even hurt my own feelings when the reality hit me. "He's not one of your experiments. Do not treat him like that."


"I don't care if he volunteered himself. He's still considered as dangerous to us. And I know you're trying to do your best... but I worry for your safety."

"Is it because I'm a woman?"

He shook his head once more. "No, it's not that. I care for you, Hanji. And I don't want you to get hurt. If you were hurt by Levi in any way... I'm not sure on how I would feel. If anything, well, it wouldn't be regret, but I want to prevent it. Plus, if he hurts anyone, it'll be on me. I have responsibility over them too. And the Survey Corps are on its last legs.  I have to prove Levi Ackerman and his two associates are beneficial to the organization. Do you understand?"

"I... I do understand..."

"It'll be alright. I promise. Okay?" Erwin smiled, hugging me tightly. "Right now, we need to make sure that-."

"I'm not a killer to everyone, right?" We all turned to see Levi practically fuming with hatred. I understand where Levi's coming from. "I won't kill anyone."

"Perfect!" I chuckled, "Well, we need to see how you would be like on the expediton- say, Erwin, when was the next expedition again?"

"Next month."

"Ah! Can I collect data from him then? It'll help determine how much training he needs to improve on and other things like that! How's that, Erwin? Plus... he needs to show me that one stress relieving technique he said he knew."

That was when Erwin rose his eyebrow. "Ahh... what? What stress relieving technique?"

My shoulders rolled slightly as I winced softly. "I... I don't know. Levi won't tell me. He would only demonstrate it for me. Levi, can you show it to me now in front of them?"

Surprisingly, his cheeks ran red. "I... not in front of them..."

"Ohh... maybe later you can demonstrate it to me later-."

"Wait, is it sex?" Erwin tilted his head. "Seriously? Is it that? Levi, confess it to us now."

Levi only rolled his shoulders. "I don't know what it's called. I just know it relieves stress. Why can Isabel and I trade places?" Levi look towards me with gentle eyes. "I want to be placed under Hanji's command-."

Miche stepped in front of me, blocking my view of Levi. I could hear Miche growl softly. "To you, she remains as Section Commander Hanji Zoe. And no, you will not be placed under her command. Isabel will remain under her command. And you are with me."

Levi then crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. "What can I do to get transferred?"

"At this time? Nothing. Prove yourself worthy, and you might get promoted. But I doubt that'll be the case." Miche then turned towards me. "Isabel is upstairs waiting for you. It's horse training for the both of you."

"Ahh... fine..." I dragged my feet up the stairs, feeling some sort of... animosity. It wasn't towards me... it was towards the males that were around me. What was going on, exactly?

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