Chapter 14: Fear Rules Us All

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Erwin's POV

Upon waking up, I knew I made the biggest mistake. Hanji was resting her weary head on my chest, sleeping peacefully. Whatever happened last night... I'm not sure if I should regret my actions. I didn't push myself against her. She wanted it. She even told me to shut up about it and let it happen. Was I in the wrong for allowing her to take control over me?

I caressed her soft cheeks, chuckling. It's been so long since I've seen Hanji like this. Quiet, still, and exhausted.

Even the slightest touch rouse her from her slumber. "E-Erwin...?"

"Morning, Hanji. And no, this isn't a dream. You used to ask me whenever we did sleep together if it was all a dream."

She smiles softly, struggling to pull herself up. Her hands pulled the blanket over her breasts, shielding me from her bare body. "I thought so. Erwin... was this... wrong?" She pushes her strands of hair behind her ears, looking down at the monotone blanket of hers. "I'm pregnant with Levi's child... and the first thing I do is sleep with you. What is wrong with me?"

I take her hand, smiling gently. "I'll be there to take care of the baby. And even if you don't want me to be your lawfully wedded husband, I'll help pay anything that relates to you and the baby. I admit I have a grudge against Levi, but nothing against your baby. If you would want me to, I will help raise the baby as if it were mine."

"You'll do that, huh? Of course. You're that kind of man, Erwin..."

"Will you tell Levi about him being a father? Or will you not tell him?"

"What do you think, Erwin? If some girl got pregnant with your kid, would you want to know?"

"Of course I would want to know, Hanji. It's my child. And if Levi doesn't accept that fact, then too bad for him. He lost something to be with the most amazing woman and a child that has not been born yet. Hanji, you're growing some sort of life inside you. You'll know what to do because it's whatever's best for your child."

"And how would you know?"

"I know the woman I love very well." I kissed her again, making her smile. We kept kissing until I playfully pushed Hanji into the bed. Her gentle hands ran down my cheek as she smiled. "Can I, Hanji?"

She hesitates for a moment, nodding her head. "Just this one time, Erwin. And I'll tell Levi about my pregnancy. If all goes well, this might be the last time we sleep with each other."

"And I hope for the best, Hanji."

I kept kissing her, caressing her cheeks, and careful of her non-existent baby bump. My love for her never faltered. I know I broke off our relationship before, but I never stopped loving her. Extra hours and attempting to get Keith's trust to become the commander; everything is in place. I still hate Levi for what he's done. Killing Gelgar and almost Eric... he's getting away with all this stuff. 

What am I even doing?

In the middle of us making love, I heard someone knocking at the door. With a heavy groan, I pushed myself off of Hanji, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "Do you want me to get it?" 

Hanji wraps the blanket around her body, shaking her head. "No, it's my room. It's best if I get it. Go and get dressed and just hide out in the bathroom, Erwin. And just stay quiet."

Hiding in the bathroom while struggling to pull my clothes on silently.

"Hello- oh, Levi... what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you. Why are you dressed like that?"

"Oh... this? I... uh... decided to sleep bare naked last night. I didn't know who was at the door, so I covered myself up."

"So you weren't with anyone else?"

"If I was, that's my own business, Levi-."

"Then who was that other voice? It sounded like a guy."

"You were listening through the door, Levi?! Don't you know how to respect someone's privacy?" There was a loud ruffling sound. Doors opening and shutting. Someone was looking for something. "Levi, what are you doing?"

"I don't imagine men's voices, Hanji. Someone's here, isn't there? Who's there?!"

Hanji screamed, and I should've popped out of my hiding place. But I stayed in fear something might've happened to her. Am I a coward? "Levi, where did you get that knife?! Put it down- now!"

"Where is he, Hanji?!"

"Levi put it down!"

I didn't want to risk her anymore. I jumped from my spot in the bathroom, barging over and grabbing Levi. When our eyes met, they were quite deadly. "There you are..." He whispers, swiping the bladed weapon at me. It met right under my left arm, but I only winced in pain. "Stay... away-."

Not allowing him to finish, I pushed him against the stone wall, forcing him to drop the weapon. He grunts. His arms went for my neck, scratching at it with his cut fingernails. Seeing that didn't work, Levi raised his feet, jabbing them near my waist area. 

"Enough, Levi," I growled at him, not wanting to give in to the urge to punch him in the face. "You're done for."

"No... no!" He shouts at the top of his lung, kicking and clawing at me. "Hanji! Hanji!" 

I let go of him just for a second and curled my fist. Levi had the same idea, yet he swung at me first. I endured it when his fist met my shoulder. Maybe my height played a key part because he probably attempted to hit my head, not my shoulder. I didn't have much of a problem. I knocked him out with only one blow.


I knelt to the ground, placing my cheek near his mouth. Still breathing. "Hanji, it's fine. He's still alive. Do you have something small to tie his hands? I need to keep him tied up when I carry him downstairs."

"Erwin..." She says my name softly as she went through her drawers, pulling some sort of belt. "Erwin, I think I won't tell him about the baby."

"Good. I doubt he'll be a good father to it. Stay here, Hanji. I got him. Just... stay up here and rest. If you still want the baby, then-."

"Not to stress about anything because of the baby." My eyebrows rose when she instinctively knew about that. "What? I treat other women around the Corps when some of them get pregnant. Something wrong with that?"

"Of course not." I quickly say, heaving Levi onto my back. "Hanji... I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what?"

"You saw Levi like that. I hope he was a good guy and that's what you saw in him... but... he tried to kill me there. I'm sorry he wasn't the good guy you expected him to be."

Hanji sat on her bed, sighing softly. "Erwin... just... go... we'll talk once he's... locked up. I don't... want to be near him anymore..."

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