Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Levi's POV

For the rest of the night, I couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning, running my fingers up and down my body. What happened between Hanji and me was... satisfying and I yearned for more. That's what they call sex then, huh? The word feels similar, yet I don't know what it truly is. Hanji had also said about us being friends with benefits... what is that? Do I get to have that feeling again?

Before the dawn was broken, I grabbed my pillow and hugged it tight. Imagining Hanji's scent and feeling her smooth skin. Being inside of her was warm and tight. I just... want to be with her again. There was a sharp pain on my lower parts as I recalled the event from last night- replaying it over and over. I gripped on the pillow, hoping it would turn into Hanji... yet it was not magic. There was no magic.

*   *   *

Hours after dawn had broken, Miche walked in with a stern face. Farlan got to his feet as well. Miche turned his gaze to me, scoffing as his nose twitched. "You smell of blood."

"I cut myself last night." I scowled in return, showing him a small bandage on the back of my hand. I got it after returning from Hanji's room. "Why?"

"Get dressed, Levi. The commander and other section commanders need to have a word with you. As quickly as possible."

He mentioned other section commanders- I can see her again. Without wasting time, I stripped myself of my night clothes and changed into their standard uniform. Farlan began to change to, but Miche stopped him. "You're not needed. Just Levi."

"What's going on?"


Miche turned his back on me, and Farlan was full of worry. I only returned a glare and followed Miche out. As he lead me back to HQ, I only wondered where Hanji was. I wonder what was going on... I don't recall anything else...

*   *   *

Miche led me into one of these rooms, where I saw familiar faces of the section commander and the commander. Hanji was nowhere in sight. Keith cleared his throat, staring down at me. "Levi, brought here by Erwin's request-."

"He blackmailed us, yes."

"I didn't ask you to speak yet."

"And I didn't ask to be here."

Everyone glared at me, but I didn't care about it. I was able to brush it off. The commander continued on with his words. I wish I could just ignore them. "Do you know why you were brought here this early in the morning, Levi?"

"No, I don't."

It could be multiple things. Maybe it was the thing I've done with Hanji... or that other man. Hopefully not the other man. I don't want to be taken away from my beloved. My eyes met the commander's as he just stared down at me. I can't tell if he's trying to see if I had a soul. Truth is- I don't have one.

"Levi, be honest with me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do you know the man of Gelgar?"

My head turned towards Miche as I scowled. "One of his guys. What about him?"

"He's dead."


Keith slammed his fist on the wooden table, scowling at me. "Levi, I do not want to play these stupid games with you. Murder is a serious thing. The fact that we never had a murder before within our walls says something when we all turn to you. Your friends, Farlan and Isabel, have records of stealing. You do as well. But something that you have that they do not...that's why we suspect you."

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