Chapter 5: Bloodlust

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Levi's POV

Is it bad to hear my blood running through my body? Hearing it pound as I watched Hanji walk out of my sight? What's going on with me? So many men are surrounding her, putting her smile down into the ground. She was so happy and so joyful when she wanted to examine me... and I didn't mind it at all...

First, my eyes wanted to lock onto Miche and I wanted to eliminate him. But wouldn't it make me completely suspicious? Especially if I'm executed for murder, I won't see my precious rose... I won't be able to see her again...

I have to keep my grip on reality... I have to stay here... and I have to live to see Hanji. I want her again and nothing else. I'm a monster... but I'm happy to know I've fallen for a beautiful woman like her...

I didn't see Hanji after that.

*   *   *

Night was falling, and I wasn't exactly put down on house arrest. Miche had ordered me to stay in my room for the night, but Hanji wanted to see me again. She wanted... well, what was it she said? She wanted me to demonstrate the stress relieving technique. And I, lovingly, broke the rules for her.

Farlan was already asleep, and knowing him, he'll be passed out until the sun rises. If anything, I can be with Hanji all night... and I wouldn't have to worry about it later. I can't think of anything but her...

Was it wrong...?

*   *   *

Wandering down into the lab, I ran into one of Miche's subordinates. Gelgar. Since I'm ordered to train with Miche, I'm always around them. He wasn't looking at me, so I was able to avoid his wrath. I have no doubts Miche sent his team members to spy on me. Even worse, watch over Hanji. I love... I love her... and he's doing everything in his power to keep me away from her. 

If it becomes worse, I will kill him.

"Damn it." Gelgar mumbled to himself before he walked away in a hurried fashion after looking at the ground. His footsteps echoed on the stone stairs as he retreated up. I attempted to walk up Hanji's lab when-.

"Ah, Levi." I whipped my head back to see Hanji leaning on the stone walls with a couple of books in her arms. She smiled softly, almost laughing to herself. "You came to visit me, huh? Or is it because you want to... er... finish what we last started, right?"

"You wanted me here, remember? So I can show you the-."

"Technique." Her caramel eyes lit up like the starry night. "Miche told me that he's going to have people watching over me because he doesn't seem to trust you."

My eyebrow rose slightly as I got curious. "You trust me, Hanji?"

"Surprisingly... yes, I do. It's interesting. With so many people doubting you and thinking that you're some sort of criminal, which I do understand, I think you need someone to trust you. And don't give me that your friends from the Underground are the ones who trust you. I know they do. But they aren't a part of the Survey Corps. Not like I am."

"You're putting a lot of faith into me, Hanji... do you really want to do that?"

She nodded, turning around. "Come on up to my room, Levi... do you need help finding the way?"

"I think I can manage." I don't want to be caught and get in trouble. I have to be there for Hanji... "I think I left something in your lab when the last time I was down there. Just give me a moment, okay?"

"Alright. My room's in the east tower on the 3rd floor. Knock twice and say your name. I'll see you in a bit..." The way she chuckled that last bit made my heart flutter. I truly... truly want to have her by my side...

That is all I ever wanted...

I shouldn't have drawn blood first. I shouldn't have, yet why did I do that? Why did I decide to kill him? I was angry at Miche, yes, but... I shouldn't have killed Gelgar... right? I should never had killed him. 

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