Chapter 12: Hurtful Intentions

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Erwin's POV

Weeks ago...

"Section Commander Erwin?" I looked up to see Farlan. Isabel was by his side. Strange. Most of the time, Farlan avoids me and only talks to me if it's only necessary. "We have... something to talk to you about. Well, we're mostly worried about a certain someone. Actually, maybe more than just one person."

I tilted my head, putting down my papers. "Go on, Farlan."

"It's... the female section commander. Hanji. We're worried about her and Levi."

"Levi should be under Miche's command right now. There should be no reason for those two to be mingling-."

"Forgive me for interrupting, but I believe something is going on. Levi has been acting weird and different since he came up here and met the section commander. We like to call it a curse in the Underground, but it's rare to come across. We're worried Levi did kill Gelgar and-."

"We have, without a doubt, believed it was Levi who killed him. But there was no evidence proving it since Section Commander Hanji had given Levi an alibi. And we don't even know how Gelgar was killed other than his broken neck. Farlan, I understand your concerns and-."

"We believe he might be after you."


"Are you close to Hanji?"

"I was. What makes you think he might try to kill me?"

Farlan shrugs his shoulders as Isabel finally speaks with a mouse-like tone. "S-Sir... Levi-Bro has... eyes. When I saw him... today... Hanji had taken him somewhere in HQ. And... we know he isn't a big talker... but he's been taking her to secret places. They disappear for a long time."

"And you think they've been seeing each other? I don't believe it." I say, sighing. There's no proof to show that Hanji did decide to see someone. Once I do have proof, then... well, I'm not going to do anything unless I believe Hanji's in danger. "But you say he's trying to kill me?"

"With Gelgar almost catching him, he would most certainly use the expedition to kill you."

"Before I move forward with how he would kill me, I would like to ask you... why are you helping me?"

"I don't want Levi-Bro hurt..." Isabel says softly as Farlan leaned over my desk. His eyes stern as they stared into my soul. "Farlan, what are you-."

"I'm helping you because I don't want him dead. He's going to hurt more people if he's not controlled. Might as well help you stop and detain him before he kills innocent people. People who don't deserve to die. Levi may seem emotionless, but whenever he thinks of someone he truly loves, he will do anything to protect them."

I nodded my head, slightly weary of this fact. "Okay then. I trust you. What do you want to do to keep me alive, Farlan and Isabel?"

"Simple," Farlan sits down at my desk, sighing softly, "I seem cold and cruel, but sacrifice someone in your place. Levi doesn't want to draw any more attention to himself. He's going to make it seem like a titan killed them."

"So he wouldn't kill them as he did with Gelgar... sounds about right. So Levi is going to wound them... but he wouldn't wound them too much that they die instantaneously. Cutting their limbs off would give them a chance to survive, so he wouldn't hit them there. Their back. He wouldn't face them, right?"

"To avoid getting caught, yeah."

"I think I know someone who is slightly disabled who can take my place. He wouldn't be hurt badly, but he wouldn't feel any pain if was stabbed in the back."

"And who is that, Erwin?"

*   *   *

There, I saw Levi staring at me with those cold, deadly gray eyes. Farlan was right. He was out to kill me. Thankfully Levi was in Hanji's room last night. Otherwise, the plan wouldn't have gone right. Every time we tried to sneakily give him information, Levi would not be there. I didn't want to believe it at first but after that... Hanji was seeing Levi. I wonder if she knows... 


My head turned to Hanji, seeing her ride up. "How are you, Hanji?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." She looks around, seeing Miche's squad had not gotten back yet. Other than Levi. "Where's Miche? I-."

As soon as she spoke, there was Miche and Nanaba, riding with a wounded man. I told Eric that someone was out to kill me, and I told him the entire plan yesterday. He gladly took the role of being my double. He was assured that Nanaba would be right behind him, making sure he wasn't going to be left to the titans. Although, he will be retiring within Wall Sina for the rest of his life. All that to live in the wealthy interior.

Miche and my eyes met as we simultaneously looked at Levi. He took the bait. I avoided death just this once. But now, I'm not sure if I can pull off the next time. 

"What... what happened?" 

Nanaba rode up to me with Eric turning his head towards Levi. "I heard him. Definitely his voice. I know it was raining and all, but he did call me Erwin. Without a doubt, he did try to kill me thinking I was you."

"I apologize for what happened to you-."

"Don't apologize. I accepted this. When we get back to the walls, I'll be able to retire in the interior, right?"

"Everything has been arranged as soon as we get back, Eric. Rest easy. You'll be put in the center rear for now as guaranteed protection. Despite us being on the expedition, I can't guarantee that."

"It's nice, Erwin. I hope whatever happened now... I hope you can build up evidence against Levi."

Hanji looked at me, vaguely hearing into our conversation. "Erwin, what's going on with Levi?"

"Nothing," I lied through gritted teeth. I rather not disappoint her right now. "Just figuring out what happened to Eric. Nothing more, nothing less. It's fine. Go get something to eat and refuel just in case, Hanji."

"Ugh... fine..."

I couldn't help but stare down at Levi. He kept staring at me. I want to know what was going through his head. Will he attempt to kill me again? This time, he would look me in the eyes before taking another's life. I need to do something. Right now, it's hearsay. I can't do anything else. Hanji... she's in danger...

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