Chapter 6: Stress Relieving Techniques

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*Warning! Smut Ahead!*

Hanji's POV

Face down in the bed as Levi's firm palms dug into my back as he gave me a massage. Most of the time, the people who helped tried to relieve the tension in my body, but nothing really worked. With Levi's hands, it felt... nice...

After a few minutes, Levi got off of my back and I turned onto my back with a satisfying smile on my face. "Levi, I expected... something else..."


I beckoned to come to me with a soft smile on my face. "Well, massages are great stress relievers, but... remember what Erwin asked you? I was somewhat expecting that. Oh well, it'll be alright. Do you want to-."

Levi pushed himself against me, kissing me without a warning. My hands were raised against his chest. I wanted to push him off of me, but I accepted the kiss. Levi gripped onto my shoulders, pushing me down into the bed. This feeling of... tingles washed over me as he continued to push me into the bed.

"C-Calm down, Levi..." I continued to chuckle softly as Levi kept kissing me. "Y-You're really... what's the right word...?"

He pauses for a second as our eyes met. "I... I want you... Hanji... please? Is it okay if I can have you for tonight?" Resuming to his kissing, I could only smile softly to it. Once or twice, I had it with Erwin, but this should be interesting with Levi... I want to see what he knew...

My arms loops over Levi's neck, pulling him down onto me. "For tonight, okay?" I could've said something else, but I didn't. I just enjoyed his constant attacks of his kisses. He didn't answer me, but continued kissing. 

Eventually his firm hands moved down from my shoulders to his own chest. I saw him unbuttoning his shirt, and I decided to attempt it. But Levi quickly put his hands on my chest, tracing his fingers to the buttons. I couldn't say a word because he paralyzed me.

I felt his fingers slowly unbuttons my shirt and brushes the ends of my shirt off to the side, just revealing my bra. I saw Levi's eyes just staring into my eyes. He never left his gaze on me. It... scares me, slightly. All I saw was just his eyes directly into mine. How creepy is that?

He then traces the ends of my bra to my back. I felt his fingers fiddling with my bra buckle. It took awhile, but Levi got it unbuckled. He sat up a bit, removing my arms from its sleeves. The way Levi handled it... I wonder if he had experience before. He took my shirt and bra, tossing it somewhere to the side. 


He silenced me with another kiss as he unbuckles my pants, pushing it down with my panties... and I couldn't believe it... 

He takes off his shirt, revealing small scars and healing bruises. "Enough with it, Levi... no more playing, okay?" Levi only nodded, taking off his own pants and underwear.

My eyes closed as Levi gently pushed my legs open and rubbed his firm hands near my private parts down below. A small stress-relieving noise escape my throat as I felt his tool enter into me. This time, I yelped and grabbed onto Levi. My eyes darted open as I saw him have a slightly confused face. It... was his first time?

To ease himself, I reached up and kissed him passionately. Pulling him close, I felt his well-chiseled body. We shared a few kisses as my legs wrapped around his body and... once I pulled away, I traced his lips with my thumb. 

"It's alright... Levi... just... relax... and... overall, go with the flow." I continued to kiss him until I fell back into the bed with Levi leaning against me. "Whatever feels nice to you there, just keep going. It'll be nice for me too."

He nods, pushing his hips into mine, grunting a bit. In return, I let out a soft moan. We kept a slow, soft rhythm as he got used to it. Once he was used to it, he was able to thrust into me with a stronger force. One point, he pushed my shoulders into the bed as he thrusted hard.

The whole time, I felt Levi's bare minimum of his strength... he had more that he had locked away. I wish I could see the true potential of it. In the midst of my thinking, I finally felt the feeling joy once I felt myself being relieved. Levi kept going until he relieved himself inside of me.

I have to get pills...

Levi slumped his body over me as he panted heavily, dripping with sweat. He began to rock himself to milk out the last of his joyful feeling inside of himself. Not soon after, he gently removed his tool from inside of me and laying next to me.

I brushed my hair aside, laying on his firm body. My fingers continuing to trace every outline of his body; watching him shiver whenever I touched him was interesting. Erwin was certainly not this... not like Levi.

"For your first time, how was it?"

"I want to do it with you forever..." He responds, pulling my sweaty body over him, wrapping his arms to pull me closer. My ear was pressed against his chest, and I heard his hyper heart pounding. "I want you forever, Hanji..."

"We can't be in a relationship, Levi... but, this is an exception."


"Friends with benefits, Levi. We can be friends and we can do this whenever we want. Whenever we want to do it, we can do it in this room. Or... next time, we can experiment going out of the bedroom. Of course, that's up to you. You don't mind if I come to you for sex to get rid of stress, right?"

"I don't."

"Good." His warmth rocked my to sleep, and I didn't want to leave him for this night. "Goodnight, Levi... but you have to leave... right? Miche put you down on house arrest or so... I'll keep my mouth shut about it."

"But... I don't want to go..."

"Do it for me..." I rolled off of him, pulling the blankets over my bare body. "Go. I don't want you in trouble, Levi. It'll be fine. I promise."

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