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The ringing of metal hitting marble echoed through the Hollands living room as you dropped your spoon.

"You're what?!" you gasped, shoving your bowl on the kitchen side and running over to Tom standing beside the island, phone in hand. He showed you the text message igniting the screen in the darkness of the kitchen, a message from his mum.

Mum ❤️
Hi Tom, as an early birthday present we're taking you on holiday! Pack your sunglasses, we're going to Barbados this weekend!!"

"Holy shit!" you squealed, jumping up into Tom's arms as he looked down and smiled at you, "I'm so happy for you!"

Tom reluctantly wrapped his arms around you, inhaling the perfume that he oddly recognised. It must have been the one he bought you for Christmas last year. You untucked your nose from his neck, twisting your brow as you leaned back to look at him, "well, aren't you gonna say anything?" a gentle chuckle left your lips.

"I'm just a little overwhelmed" he smiled, eyes scanning your face. Your cheeks were flushed with excitement, completely ignoring the bags under your eyes. It was five am on a Tuesday morning, neither of you being able to sleep. It was normal for you to have sleepovers, even at the age of twenty-three, you'd been friends since diapers.

"Oh fuck off," you teased, punching him on the arm playfully as he dropped you back onto your feet, "you're Spider-Man, youngest rising star, you're in the Guinness Book of World Records, you're best friends with Robert Downey Jr. and you're a millionaire, you are not overwhelmed by going on holiday" you teased, skidding back into the kitchen with your fluffy socks and picking up the spoon you dropped.

"Fine, you got me" he smiled, watching you kobey the spoon into the sink while whispering 'yeet'. "I am pretty excited though"

"Then act like it" you spoke in a dumb voice, mocking his disappointed posture "I'm Tom Holland and going on holiday to an exotic location is just so below my pay rate" you teased, changing your accent to a strong, Brittish, old fashioned tone, flailing your hands around like the queen with a disgusted expression.

Tom scoffed, throwing him phone down on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be?" he tensed his brow, a playful smirk on his lips as he began walking towards you. You gave a playful frown, acting scared.

"Oh shiiiyt" you teased, stopping before looking to your left, body following your eyes as you darted out of the kitchen, Tom hot on your heels.

"Ey, watch the cushions!" Tom yelled, watching as you ran over the couch, jumping off the back and sprinting up the stairs.

You're stomaching began aching as you reached the top of the stairs, laughing far too hard to be running at the same time, tears of joy spilling down your cheeks as the pure adrenaline of someone chasing you like you were six years old again filling your bloodstream. The thundering of Tom's footsteps followed you up the stairs, almost catching your pyjama bottoms but missed inevitably.

"Tom stop!" you laughed, running into his bedroom and diving on the bed, grabbing as many pillows as possible and burying yourself. However, they were no match for Tom as he dived on top of you, head rummaging through the cushions.

"Found you" he mumbled, hands reaching around and squeezing your sides making you flinch.

"Oh my god, we're too old for this, stop it!" you giggled, legs flailing beneath him as your voice reluctantly got louder and louder, "TOM STOP!"

"Take it back then" he threw the pillows off the bed, getting access to your neck. You completely crumbled as his fingers dived under your chin, your head locking them against your throat almost choking yourself.

"I ta-take it back!" you giggled, almost drooling from not being able to talk properly. He poked you one last time before pulling his fingers from under your chin. You lay there, panting from laughing so hard. Just as Tom turned his back, you took your chance, kicking him in the shoulder sending him flying off the bed, and you into another laughing fit. You watched as his head of fluffy curls emerged from the bedside, tongue in cheek.

"Did you trip and land on an adrenaline needle?"

"I don't know, were you dropped as a child?" you couldn't contain yourself, you were finding the witty comebacks too hilarious, sitting there clenching your stomach.

"Oh my, for fuck sake" he sighed with a smile, clambering back onto his feet and throwing a pillow at you.

After a few more minutes of continuous laughing, you managed to calm down, Tom sitting at the end of the bed waiting patiently in the dimly lit room.

"Ya' quite finished?" he cocked his head to the side.

"I think" you let out one last giggle, wiping away the tears falling from the sides of your eyes. Now, you were completely exhausted. Despite the fact you were in a weird position, legs spread on the bed and your head buried in a massacre of pillows, you'd never felt so comfortable.

"Are you gonna move so I can go to bed now?" Tom moved upwards, crawling up and hovering over you on the bed. Your eyes had fluttered closed, chest rising slowly to the pattern of your breathing. "Hm?" you hummed in response, not bothering to move. Tom watched you for a moment, moving a strand of hair away from your face.

After your fit of laughter, Tom was rather astounded as to how fast you could just fall asleep like that. Non the less, he loved that about you.

He loved everything about you.

Once he was certified you were asleep, he made a clearing in your skin, moving the hair away before leaning down slowly, pressing his lips to your forehead. There had been something more than a friendship there for Tom for a while now, he liked you a lot. But he knew he wasn't allowed you. You were already dating Carl, and as far as Tom was concerned, and as much as it pained him to admit it, you were made for each other.

He pulled away after a moment, watching your lips slowly part as you began to quietly snore. Soon he moved off of you, readjusting the pillows so they supported your back, and gave you one to snuggle. You had always done that; sleep with a pillow sandwhiched between you. At times he wished you'd do that to him.

He swtiched off the bedroom light, allowing the room to sink into darkness. If Tom was honest with himself, he was over the moon to finally get a break from rainy Britain and go somewhere hot where hopefully no one knew his name. But, the thought of leaving you behind hautned him like a shadow. He was disspointed because... He wanted you there with him. But that was quite frankly impossible. With your work shifts at Sharons coffee shop, there was no way you could take over a week off.

Tom found himself crouching beside you in that moment, as creepy as it seemed. He loved seeing all your natural beauty in one place, with no makeup and no alterations you were absolutely perfect.

"Goodnight," he whispered softly, moving the blanket to cover your shoulders, "I love you"


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