°Vixen Sin Of Betrayal°

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It was a rather gloomy day for the Seven Deadly Sins, they were not any closer to finding the hideout of the Ten Commandments, "Danchou, even if we were to find them, how are we going to fight them? The last time you almost died." Escanor said as he poured another drink for Ban, the silver haired man took a huge swig from the cup before turning to their captain, "And even if we do win, it would be at the cost of you losing your life." He deadpanned, their captain, Meliodas, a short looking man with blonde hair, whom looked the age of a 12 year old rubbed his chin before turning to a woman with dark blue hair and revealing clothes, "Merlin what is it you suggest we do?" The woman silently floated till she reached the bar, sitting on the table as she played with her orb, "I think it is time we completed our team, Danchou." Meliodas looked at his wizard and the woman whom helped him build the team, he knew whom she was referring to, "Merlin I do not-" he was cut off by her raised palm, as if she did not want hear any of his excuses, "Danchou, she is the only one whom can defeat them, and even you know that, especially since you and her used to be close." The others were confused till Diane's face lit up, "Does that mean! We are bringing back Hera!" She clapped excitedly hugging King tightly, the fairy turned a different shade of red before hugging her back, "Who is Hera Meliodas-sama?" Elizabeth asked, and Ban noticed the question was also evident on his girlfriend's face. "She is the last of our sins, she completes us, her name was Hera, the Vixen Sin of Betrayal." Merlin said with a soft smile.

"So if she is the Vixen Sin of Betrayal, then isn't she the female counterpart of Ban-sama?" Elizabeth asked Meliodas as they all sat in the big SUV, Gowther himself actually shook his head, "They found Hera first, her tattoo and name was already picked out because that is what the villagers called her , Ban was only named much later." Ban was chuckling as a slight blush formed over his cheeks, something that was not hid from his little Elaine. "Why did that tattoo have to come on you though?" She asked him innocently, however on the inside she was rather upset, Ban knew he needed to tread carefully, "Actually, I didn't pick my name, the tattoo appeared and it was a fox. After the fairy forest incident and people saw the tattoo the name just started spreading. " That seemed to pacify the girl as she laid into his side happily, "Merlin you said you knew where is?" Meliodas asked not turning around completely, "Yes I have a general idea of her vicinity, you know how strong she is when it comes to magical energy." The others in the car all nodded when they stopped in front of a rather large and luxurious looking house, "Her magical presence is indicated quite strongly right here." They all jumped out, quietly walking towards the front door, King floated towards the door and knocked, quickly falling to the floor when he realized that there could be humans in the house. The door opened and a rather confused looking maid stepped out, "Y-yes? How may I help you?" Meliodas stepped forward as it was his place as captain, "Hello I am Meliodas, and these are my friends, we are looking for a friend of ours, her name is Hera."

After they explained whom it was they were looking for the maid, whose name was Estelle scooped them all in and offered them tea, coffee and liquor, while she was busy with that a woman dressed in black walked past the living room before popping her head back in, "Why hello there, Estelle told me we had visitors! I have not seen anyone here in so long! I am the butler Mei, it is a pleasure." She bowed, "Estelle told us that your mistress would be the one to help us find our friend Hera." The girl seemed to freeze at Meliodas's words before she nodded, "My mistress helps out many people, she would probably know how to find whom you are looking for." She bowed again before disappearing into the direction of the kitchen, "Danchou did you see how she froze when you mentioned Hera's name?" Ban asked softly, Meliodas nodded before they heard a voice that did not belong to the other two, "Estelle, Mai I heard the door open." There were some muttering before the two girls voices went silent and a shuffling was heard. A figure appeared in the entrance of the living room, a girl who was short, around 5'1 or 5'2, with back length black hair that seemed to be dyed blonde and red , she had a rather complicated figure, that of a woman with a rather beautiful hourglass figure, but her upper torso had that of muscles that were lean on her arms and with strong shoulders as well. Her crimson eye glowed in the light while the black one seemed to devour all light, "Could you have not left me alone for another fucking millennia?" The girl asked, crossing her arms over her chest, "Well it is good to see you too Hera." Meliodas said with a chuckle, making a grimace cross her face, "Greetings....Danchou."

"Merlin I am guessing you are the one who found where I was?" Hera asked before sitting back on her lounger, the woman chuckled, "It is not hard to find someone as strong as you, but I must say you gave me a run for my money." Both woman chuckled as Elaine stared at the girl from beside Ban, "Ban did you get a kid or something?" The woman asked with grimace, "Hera that is my sister, remember I told you about her?" King intervened before the girl blinked, "This is the woman Ban moaned about in his sleep huh. I see, Well Elaine, Princess Elizabeth, it is a pleasure to meet you both, I am the Vixen Sin of Betrayal, but my name is now Queen."

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