°A New Commandment and An Argument°

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Queen was busy wiping down tables when she heard the door of the bar open, her back had been turned so she took no notice, "I am sorry but we are closed come back another time." She carried on wiping till she felt Mei push out and grab something her audible gasps making the girl turn. A small body looked up at her, the once golden eyes now dark and a dark sludge was attached to her neck, "Elaine."

After calling the other Sins, Queen and the others all sat down, Elaine sitting across them, noticing the fact that Ban had his arms wrapped around Queen whom was sitting in his lap, "Zeldris sent me to inform you of the upcoming battle." She said in a bored tone, Meliodas looked at Queen, the girl had a hard look on her face, she was trying to figure out how the woman had come back to life, she had split her clean in half. While Mel and the fairy spoke, Queen felt her eyes and mind roam as she watched the former fairy, till it rested on a pendent on her neck,a smirk made it's way to her lips, her eyes glancing to the little girl, "So father gave you life in exchange for what? Your undying devotion? Or...does he think you can defeat me and make me lose myself so that I can become his precious daughter again?" Elaine looked at the girl in shock, she had indeed been brought back by Queen's father, the man had promised her vengeance, as long as she killed Queen for him, he would let her have Ban, he would get his daughter back to the evil entity he knew her to be. "Stupid plan really, mostly because my father knows how much I hate being treated like a weakling." A loud rambunctious laughter was heard throughout the bar, it permeated through the air, leaving the the strongest of the sins annoyed, "Father, before I beat you back into the underworld get the fuck out of this bar." A large man appeared from the darkness, he was about the height of Ban and had the build of Escanor during the daylight hours, he had a boyish face that was twisted into a smirk, "My darling daughter, what a pleasure to see you again."

Ban looked at the two figures before him, everyone had moved back, leaving Queen, her father and Elaine sitting at the table, "So this is your new boyfriend, a step up from that other human, and a bit of an improvement from our darling prince, but-" A scythe appeared next to the man's neck, the gleaming red steel tip pointed dangerously at his neck, "You have no say in my love life, at all, especially when it comes to Ban." Her eyes both bled into black as she stared the man down, there were times when Ban felt she even growled at him for moving. "This human daughter, what makes him so special? I thought after the whole incident with that lords son...your heart was set on being lonely forever." Queen's eyes softened as she looked at the man behind her, a toothy smirk was sent her way making her laugh. "He is my everything father, the reason why I breathe....the only person I want my heart to truly belong to." When she finished, the red eyed sin kissed the side of her cheek with a smile before staring at the Grim Reaper, "Shinigami, This woman right here is mine."

"We have less than a week before this bloody battle." Queen huffed, taking a sip of the ale in front of her, "I think we need to make a plan Danshou, that man seemed intent on taking Queen away from all of us." Meliodas played with the hilt of his sword, "Queen are you sure you want to do this." He asked her, the others were confused, none more so than Ban, "He thinks that I will still take his side if I go back to the original form, but I hated him even then." They watched her, confused because they did not know what was going on in the comversation, "Can someone please tell us what is going on?" King asked, Merlin looked at the girl skeptically, "Queen are you going to let yourself get killed to return to your original form?" There was silence between the demon captain and his second in command, Ban felt his anger rise as he stared at Queen, "When were you going to let me know about this?" He asked her, his voice dead even, "A-after Meliodas killed me tonight..." Queen's voice came out shaky as she watched Ban's face contort to hatred, "So you were going to die tonight?! Without telling me I might add as if my opinion on this doesn't matter? I am your boyfriend Queen! I want to keep you and everyone safe too, but not at this fucking cost? And from what I know you will be dead for hours or even a day or two, you don't even know whether this plan would work are you fucking stupid?! Elaine was right you are just selfish and think-" a loud and resounding slap was heard echoing throughout the bar that afternoon, Ban held his face in shock, looking down at the short girl, Queen had had enough, her eyes were now red, both of them, droplets of blood dripping down her cheek, "You think..I want to die? You think it is fun losing a piece of your sanity? Watching your body get ripped apart from the outside, from the inside, from everywhere, by creatures disguised to look like those I love more than anyone in the whole world. At first it was just Meliodas, but then it changed to the rest of the Sins. Do you know why my father showed up in the first place, because he wanted a good look of you, so that he could create copies of you that would break my heart, hurt me continually, break me, rape me, that is how my father works. AND YOU FUCKING DARE SAY THAT THE FAIRY WAS RIGHT ABOUT ME!?" Ban stared at Queen as she gave her explanation, frozen and unable to speak, "Fuck you Ban Fox Sin of Greed, FUCK YOU." With that the girl stormed out of the bar, leaving a speechless Ban behind in her wake. "You are a complete and utter fucking idiot." King said with disgust.

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