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"You changed your name again?" Meliodas asked, the girl turned to him her eyes now filled with anger as a growl reverberated from her chest, "I was not going to keep that wretched man's screw up of a birth name." Meliodas placed a hand on her arm, but quickly moved it when she growled at him again, "Her temper has seemed to gotten worse." Ban said, making Queen click her tongue, that is till a voice filled the room, "Jade I told you not to get upset, you know what happens to the mistress!" Came Estelle's scared voice, "Well the mistress likes her name change they have no right-" "Cut it out you two and Jade get out here." Queen said with finality in her voice, to the shock of the room, a figure stepped out of her body, a woman with fiery hair dressed in jeans and a shirt, "I need you to do recon, I felt a surge before the Sins came, so can you go check." The girl named Jade nodded and disappeared into thin air, "So those woman from before...they live..?" Elaine asked quietly before Merlin finally spoke, "You mastered the Emotions technique." Queen nodded, "What is an Emotions Technique Queen-sama?" Elizabeth asked her, the girl sighed, "Please call me Queen Princess, well it means I can split my soul into the appropriate parts of my emotions. Those girls you saw before, were my Bashfulness and my Hospitality, and Jade was my Anger."

After everyone got over the news and carried on munching on the treats that Estelle had so graciously given them, Queen put her cup of tea down, her eyebrow cocked, "What the fuck did you guys want for you to look for me?" Meliodas cleared his throat, "Well, we need you to help us...against the Ten Commandments." Her eyes widened before she ran her hand down her face, "Where you able to find their hideout?" There was a shaking of the man's head before she sighed, "I am only helping because the Ten Commandments piss me off." She sat back in her chair, "Lilim I need your help." A girl with long sweeping black hair slipped out of her body, her black wings flapping excitedly with a curled up spiky tail, "Mistress?" Queen chuckled and looked at the Sins, "As you know these are our friends...they need us to find the Commandments, I don't know if this is related to that magic surge but see if you can find where they are?" The girl nodded excitedly and disappeared making Queen lift her brow, "Well since that is happening, will you come back with us?" Queen clicked her tongue and nodded snapping her fingers to get her bag ready.

"Why are you called the Sin of Betrayal?" Elaine asked Queen, she had been trying to be nicer to the small fairy but for some reason she annoyed the shit out of her, everyone turned to listen to as she made herself comfortable in the car, coincidentally she sat next to Ban taking in the warmth that his body exuded, "Well I killed the man who wanted to marry me, it is the greatest betrayal of all." she said nonchalantly, Elaine felt her jaw tighten, "Well that is despicable." She said crossing her arms, the girl shrugged her shoulders, "It needed to be done." This infuriated the little fairy even more, "No wonder no one spoke about you, you are nothing like the other sins, you are just selfish. How can you sit there and say that killing the man you were going to marry was necessary? You are just stupid and-" "Elaine enough!" Ban said, his voice hinting that she should keep quiet, "No Ban she deserves-" "Ugh King I cannot do this her voice fucking grates on me." Queen said as she disappeared into thin air, "Elaine that was uncalled for." Ban said angrily to his girlfriend, "Elaine, Queen had made a vow to never harm a human life, but the man she was supposed to marry, a Duke's son no less, treated her less than fairly. At first he loved her, he treated her like that refined young lady she should have been, and once the ring was on her finger, he changed. Queen was abused mentally, physically and emotionally by that man, and she snapped the day he sexually assaulted her. The village never believed her because the man had spread rumors that Queen was a seductress, and that she was cheating on him. The vixen appeared on her thigh and she was called the vixen sin of betrayal, funny because nature wise. Vixens and foxes mate for life once finding their mate." Meliodas said with a soft mutter, making Elaine realize the severity of her actions.

Queen was sitting at the bar and drinking a cup of Vanya Ale when the rest of the Sins came in, Elaine looked away in embarrassment walking up to her and Ban's room quietly, "So since Ban and I aren't sharing a room anymore, and I cannot sleep in the same bed as Meliodas, I am going to sleep down here in the bar." She said without turning her head, "Queen I might need you to work here as a dancer as well." Meliodas said quietly making her hiss through her teeth, she slowly turned her head towards him, her anger simmering, "You realize, you own a strip bar right....I already fucking work in a place where I have to expose my body for two whole nights in a goddamn row and now I gotta do it here, in front of my friends no less, and let me guess Diane, Merlin, Elaine and your Princess there don't do this do they. Is it you are just asking me because you know I can't fucking tell you no?" She fumed before waking up and walking out of the bar, slamming the door.

"Queen, QUEEN!" Ban ran up to her and caught her hand, "what Undead what is it." She asked him a blank look on her face, "Why did you go off on the Captain like that, yeah the girls don't do it, but he probably said that because he finds you suited for it." Her body stiffened, "Suited Ban? You think he thinks I am suited for it? Of course he fucking thinks I am suited for it because all those years I fucking slept with him he probably called me a whore in his goddamn fucking perverted head!" She screamed at him before disappearing.

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