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Ban carried Queen up the stairs to his room, gently nudging open the door with his shoulder he stepped inside and closed it with his foot before placing her on the bed and sitting on the floor. He looked at her sleeping form, the way her quiet breathing made her chest move slightly, how her lips parted, the marks he made on her skin now very faint and fading, he took one of her hands in his and reveled in the calloused ones he held, so different from the soft ones Elaine had. "I am so sorry Hera...." He mumbled kissing her palm and fingers. "I am so so sorry...I never meant to hurt you. I never meant for you to get hurt this way...I never meant anything. I just honestly went to the bar to keep you safe, but seeing you there, watching you, it ignited something in me that I had never felt for so long. Your responsiveness in that room was like a breath of fresh air and could not believe that you were the same hard ass I met now. Remember all those years ago, when you would hold me in your arms after my nightmares? How you would gently rub my back? All those memories made me think Hera, made me realize that you are who I love. Elaine may be the first woman I loved, she saved my life by killing herself, but you, you suffered with me. You may think just because Elaine died for me I would love her more but I don't...you sat up on so many nights with me, you kept me smiling for so many Years before you disappeared...please Princess I love you so much...I just want your forgiveness." He quietly cried, "Oi oi, Ban....don't cry..." He heard a soft voice say, looking down at Queen he saw her eyes were open slightly and she rubbed her fingers across his larger ones, "Stop crying you big baby." She said sitting up slightly and smiling, "And....I wanted to say I forgive you. But Ban..I am a demon. One of the scariest ones from my realm. I'm unhinged, deranged, psychotic and that is putting it lightly. Are you sure? You want me..." She asked softly, her hand was pulled away at that time from Ban and she held her knees up to her chest. The man looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed before he sat on the bed, pulling her to his chest, "Princess." He said softly in her ear, making her shiver, "Princess I expect you to answer me." He mumbled gently nipping her ear. "Yes-Yes Daddy." She mumbled breathlessly, "Princess I love you, I have loved you for years...it was just repressed because I had Elaine. I knew I was missing something and when you came back into my life I knew you were who I wanted to be with me forever. Now...are you going to give daddy kisses?" He asked her softly, a small smile came unto her face as she nodded happily and wrapped her hands around his neck gently, she peppered kisses along his jaw and neck softly, small chuckles coming out of Ban's mouth as he nuzzled her face with his.

2 hours later the two came back downstairs to see half the chairs and the tables in the bar overturned, "I am guessing Elaine?" Queen asked Ban, playing with the sleeves of his jacket. Ban looked down at her with a shrug pulling her close to him before he found himself being pushed back, when his vision got into focus he found Queen standing in front of him, the scythe she had blocking out all the attacks Elaine started throwing at her. "You poisoned him!" The tiny fairy shrieked, Queen had a blank look on her face but Ban knew her eye was probably twitching, "Elaine...you fucking loli psycho do you need my fist to break your fucking face or no?" She asked, Ban's eyes widened while the other Sins poked their heads out from their hiding places.

Elaine stared at the woman who had stolen the man she loved, her lips were swollen from what looked like kisses the two shared, her neck was littered in little kisses and bite marks that looked swollen in some parts and downright dangerous in others. "What did you do to him." Elaine asked her, Queen had her face set in boredom, "Nothing actually, I just let him...take control little fairy. But I also took some dominance. Have you ever thought that he didn't want only an innocent girl act? That maybe just maybe he wanted someone who could also take control him? Don't think I haven't been watching you. All of you. Just because I wasn't here for so many years doesn't mean I didn't leave anything to protect my family. I saw how happy Ban was when he got you back. I saw how happy he was to see you. And I saw how your feelings changed, I saw how you pushed him away when you and him walked in the street because you heard how people whispered. I saw how my best friend...my lover...sat up in bed every fucking night fretting because he thought you don't love him." Ban was shook, he always felt like something was watching him whenever he went anywhere, he never knew it was her..."I had to lie when I saw you the first time, obviously because no one can know that a hard ass cares about people. But I hated you. Honestly I hated how you treated him, but I thought you loved him so I shut up. But now I know, I loved him. He loves me...no matter how many times I thought about it, when I doubted it, I could never understand why, I never knew who he was in the beginning so I doubted that anyone could love me. But he does and if you love him you would want him happy." Ban wrapped his large hands around her stomach, pulling her back to his stomach. "I am going to kill you...and then maybe Ban will come back to his senses." Elaine hissed out.

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