°A Backstory & A Stranger°

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Ban walked into the bar dumbstruck, Queen's words ringing in his ears, everyone had disappeared by now, only Meliodas stood behind the bar wiping the cups, "Hey Ban did you-" "Danchou what happened between you and Queen?" Meliodas sighed and put his cup and cloth down, "Sit down Ban, this is...complicated."


Meliodas was known as the Prince of the Underworld, he was next in line for the throne of Hell. Meliodas and his family, were feared throughout the whole of Hell, but there were two others that were feared just as greatly, they were the Reaper and his Daughter. Nobody knew what she looked like, and nobody knew her name, but everyone spoke about how bloodthirsty she was, which is what made the demon king wanted to get her married to Meliodas and make her a part of the commandments. A kind of party was held in honor of the engagement and he was making his way around, when he saw her, a beautiful raven haired girl with the most innocent face, she was quietly drinking punch and when he blinked she disappeared from his sight. He looked for her again almost all night till it was time for the announcement, the Daughter stood there her skull mask firmly on her face as they were introduced as each other's betrothed, when her father urged her to pull off her mask, she ended up being the beautiful girl from before, the one he had been searching for all night.

"That Ban was Hera, or as we know her as Queen, she was different back then, always so calm and loving, she really only lost her cool, when someone disrespected her, we were engaged for years, and I began to love her so deeply, when we slept together for the first time, it was utterly mind blowing, she was so perfect she even let me indulge in being perverted with her, one day when we were on the mortal realm, I met Elizabeth, and I felt something strike my heart. I knew she was whom I wanted to be with, and Hera knew too, I could see from the sad look in her eyes that she was upset, I could see how much she hated me, but she let me go...if it wasn't for her I would not have been able to see Elizabeth so often, she pledged to guard me forever. When I abandoned the Demons, she came with, she fought alongside me, and...she received her curse like me, her father and mine mixed their cruelty's together and gave rise to her curse, her immortality can be viewed as worse than mine. She was immortal in the sense that she could always come back to life, as you know when I die I lose my humanity, when she does, she loses a part of her sanity and emotion, till she becomes the Reapers Daughter all over again." Ban sat there staring at the captain, "You mean to tell me she still cared for after everything you did?" Meliodas nodded his head as Ban shook his head, "Danchou you are an idiot."

It was three days later when Queen returned talking to Lilim, everyone looked at her warily before the demon got sucked back into her body,she clicked her tongue, "Tch, it seems they are on the other side of town, they own the building known as Vortex, it's a club where bands come and go when they want to start up, apparently there have been some cover ups of people being killed or put into comas." She sat down at a table resting her legs on top, "She got more information in three days than we did in years." King muttered before floating to Diane, Queen checked her phone and sighed, "Well I have to go now, my shift starts in 10 minutes. By the way Danchou, I will work here but only for three nights, I started working at Tim's longer than yours." She said as she walked out the door. If only she noticed a pair of crimson eyes watching her leave.

"Queeeeniiieee!" Screamed Teresa from behind her door, the girl sighed as she opened the door to see the brunette, "T what is it? I have 5 minutes before I go on." The girl chuckled and held out a new outfit, "Boss said he wants you to try these." Queen held in a growl of disbelief before nodding at the girl and grunting in anger, Tim was as gay as a lark, but he always pushed her into wearing sexy yet lingerie looking clothing, she held in another eye roll and sigh as she quickly discarded the other clothes and pulled on the black bra and lace underwear, she pulled on a red jacket and her signature white ears and tail. She chuckled as she set her makeup, honestly she didn't think this would work out, but Ban's signature jacket worked quite well as strippers throwaway jacket.

{Insert the Montero Song here thanks}

There were a few wolf whistles as she walked out on stage twirling her tail as she did, she was one of the favorites at the bar that much she knew, she slid down the pole slowly as she discarded the jacket, her body swinging across the metal pole before she used her legs to climb atop it before her rather muscular thighs came in handy, as she was twirling and moving along to the rhythm of the music from the top of the pole, her eyes landed on a figure below her, he was sitting in the dark of the bar, sipping from a cup, she could not make out any of his features just that he was rather tall and muscular. When the song ended her bra was halfway off to make the mood more exciting, she bowed and picked up the money from the floor before walking off the stage readjusting her bra before she could walk into her dressing room, Tim stopped her by her arm, "Boss?" She looked at him questioningly, he cocked his head towards one of the private rooms, "You got a request for a private lap dance in room 2. The bloke paid upfront." She bit the inside of her cheek as she walked towards the room smoothing out her hair while walking inside, room 2 was one of the better rooms in the place it had lights that could be dimmed depending on the mood and a fireplace, it seemed like both were on that cast long shadows in the room, the dim lights made her squint till she realized it was the figure of the man that had been watching her previously at the bar, "Why Hello Princess."

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