°Some....Pressing Issues°

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Queen felt her body tense up at the deep voice that was speaking to her, she squashed her thighs together to hide the fact that this was the first man that ever made her feel this way in a long time. He patted his lap and sat back, waiting and watching the woman as she crawled onto his lap, she took note that the man was much larger taller than her, she was tiny in his lap and his body felt rather muscular, she gently placed her hands on his stomach feeling the tight abs under his shirt as he sucked his stomach in when she dragged her nails down the fabric. A light growl from him made her squash her thighs together in an attempt to gain friction as she lightly rubbed her ass across his lap, she could feel it as the seconds went on, the growing erection from the man she sat on, and she could not help the whimper of pleasure that escaped her mouth when he moved his hips under hers making the front of his pants rub across her clit, his hands now moved to her thighs, feeling the soft flesh moving pliant between his fingers. "Hmm you are such a perfect fuck aren't you princess?" He murmured in her ear, the two sat in that position for a while, she moving her hips across his hard dick and him nipping and sucking on her neck and chest. When the knock on the door came for the club to close Queen gripped the man tightly, she had never been close to man in years, nor had she been cared for the way this stranger did and she looked up at him, although she could not see him,she let her hand gently touch his face, when she got to his lips he kissed her fingers and palm softly before lifting her face to his. "From today onwards you are mine okay princess? I will talk to your boss so that you don't give private dances anymore." He rubbed his nose across her jawline and sighed softly, "C-can I see you?" She finally asked him, the man held her cheek softly, "not right get sweetheart and I cannot tell you who I am either but I can tell you this, you are the most beautiful woman I have had the pleasure of meeting " she blushed at his words and hid in his chest the man kissing the top of her head before lifting her chin up and gently placing a kiss on her lips. "That's all you get so you can wait for the rest tomorrow hm?" She nodded until he lightly slapped her ass, she bit her lip, the sensation of wanting to cum was strong, "Words babygirl." He growled out making the woman mewl, "Yes daddy." She knew the man was turned on even more after she said that, his pants was considerably tighter and he gripped her ass harshly before biting down hard on her neck bucking his hips up into her wet core, "Don't forget who your fucking daddy is." He growled out before kissing her lips once more and leaving her gently on that couch disappearing.

The next morning Queen walked downstairs to get breakfast with the Sins when the chatter between them all stopped as they saw her. She looked at them boredly and shook her head, "What?" Merlin, Elizabeth, Elaine and Diane had wide eyes and smiles while Gowther looked confused, King was red like a tomato as was Escanor and Meliodas was chuckling. Ban on the other hand looked her over and placed a stack of waffles on the bar for her, "Okay what the fuck are you all looking at." She snapped after a few minutes, Merlin conjured up a mirror and held it in front of her face while her eyes widened, the girl had huge purple bruises moving from her jawline to both sides of her neck and littered down to her chest, it just stopped at the swell of her boobs, her lips were still swollen and hurt a bit while when she looked down at Merlin's behest she had hand bruise marks. Her face turned a dark red color as she covered it in embarrassment, "Did you have fun last night Queeeen?" Meliodas asked dragging her name out, she quickly nodded her head before disappearing back upstairs, all the while noticed a certain Sin smirking to himself.

That night Tim had put Queen in room 2 just as the club began, she was rather confused till two strong hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her to his chest, she squealed and felt her eyes widen as she just heard what came out from her mouth, "Hello Princess~" the man's voice rung in her ear, she happily turned around and hugged him tightly, "Hi daddy!" She said kissing his nose, the man smiled and bent down towards her more till he could gently place his lips on hers. The kiss was not something quick this time, it was slow and intense, the man's hands were gripping her waist as she wrapped her one arm around his neck while the other played with his hair, "You turn me into an animal baby girl. I just can't seem to keep my hands off you." He growled into her mouth making her whine in need for him, "Such a needy whore for her daddy huh? Even though we only just met you already wanna be my cockslut?" He said in her ear, making her wet heat drip onto her underwear faster, she could see the tightening off his pants and started undoing it and the belt, the man hummed in approval watching as she went to her knees and pulled his pants down to the floor, she swiped her tongue across his abs as her hand pressed hard against his erection. The man let out a loud moan and gripped her hair, "Is my Princess teasing me?" He asked breathlessly as she just hummed and pulled down his boxers watching his hard dick spring out. Her eyes widened, he was not only just big he was thick, the head bulbous looking and shiny red with huge drops of pre-cum on it, she felt herr underwear get even more wet as she tentatively leaned forward, licking the at the tip with her tongue.

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