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Queen was sitting in her dressing room at Tim's bar, lightly touching and tracing the marks Ban had left on her neck before she left. Lightly slapping her cheeks she pulled on her jacket and ears before walking on to the stage for the night. While she danced, her eyes landed on Ban, the man no longer sitting in the darkness but right up front, a smile graced her face, she unclipped her bra at the end of the dance and threw it at him, the crowd cheering as she had already moved her hand to cover her chest. "Bold move there throwing it to the crowd like that." Laila another dancer said, she was less liked because of how forward she was and scared away the customers, "It was just to get them hyped." Queen said dismissevely, her jacket thrown already over her shoulders covering her breasts from view. "Did you see that hottie in the front row? The one you threw your bra too?" Laila asked dreamily making the girls jaw tighten, "Yes I did why." Laila twirled her hair on her index finger, "Well maybe if I show him the assets then he would ask me for a lap dance. Then I can get a good client like you did with that other hot piece of ass." Queen held in a scoff, if only she knew he was the hot piece of ass. While the girl was busy serving drinks to customers, her eyes fell on Laila who was busy flirting with Ban, the man wasn't stopping it nor was he pushing her away, his eyes falling on Queen's as he quickly looked away. She felt her stomach drop, her eyes glazing over in sadness before she shook her head, her shift was done for the night and she went in the back and changed into her normal clothing. Ban was drunk, she knew he was drunk, but that didn't mean he could flirt with anyone. For the first time in a millenia doubt came unto her mind, maybe he lied to her when he said he loved her. Teleporting home she ignored Meliodas's call and smiled at the Sins before she walked upstairs, "That smile...it was sad you saw it too?" Elizabeth asked the others as they nodded, 10 minutes later Ban walked in, smelling of booze and strong perfume, "I see why she was upset." King commented distastefully, "Where is my Princess?" He slurred and looked around, "I was...waiting for her but she disappeared." Everyone noticed that thick red lipstick marks on his neck, not the same color that Queen used, this color was too red, too trashy, Meliodas's lips tightened as he dragged Ban outside, "You smell like a hooker." He said plainly, the taller male scoffed, "I was at a strip club Danshou, of course I smell like this." Meliodas wiped the lipstick off his cheek and neck and showed it to him, "Ban this isn't Queen's lipstick you know." He said with an angry face, "I was just talking to a girl no biggie." he shrugged, "Ban it has literally been a day since you and Queen finally became an item and you are already proving that it was a mistake for her to be with you." Ban's eyebrows furrowed, "She came home with the saddest smile on her face, she looked completely broken you fucking idiot."

Ban opened the door of his room slowly, Queen was sleeping on the bed soundly, her body curled into his pillow, wearing one of his larger shirts, when he came closer to her, he saw her face, the dried up tears on her cheeks, the heavy breathing because of her crying. He sighed, pulling off his shirt and pants, climbing into the bed next to her, her body although gravitated close to him, she faced away from him in sadness. He breathed into her ear, "Queen, my beautiful little girl...daddy didn't mean to make you upset, I really, I really didn't. I was just so happy that you finally became mine that I overdrank, and when that girl came over to speak to me I was delirious thinking it was you...it took me maybe 20 minutes to realize that she wasn't my perfect girl. That's why I came back to quickly, I wanted to see you, hold you, baby come on, I still need to repay you for giving me your bra." He kissed her neck softly, making the girl whimper softly, her hands clutching his that made their way to her breasts, gently massaging them, his other hand moved up his shirt that she wore, lightly tracing over nipple. He was sober now, he knew he was, the heavenly scent of the woman he loved was so heady that the alcohol seemed to leave his system. Queen's eyes slowly opened as she bit her lip, Ban slightly growling and pulled her lip out of her mouth, "What did I tell you Princess, every noise you make I want to hear." He pinned her to the bed, rolling on top of her, his hand caressing her cheek, "I am so sorry Princess." He said to her, staring deep into her eyes, "Did she...is she prettier than me?" Ban frowned and bent down, his face close to hers, his lips brushing against hers gently, "Never." and he kissed her, his lips molding over hers perfectly, the kiss got deeper and deeper till they had to move away from each other for air, his lips moved down to her neck, biting over the skin making the already dark marks look so beautiful on her snowy skin, "If you keep doing that, then you are going to leave my skin marked forever." She breathed out softly, Ban looked up at her, "I know darling, but seeing those pretty marks on you when you were dancing, the marks that I made showing everyone how beautiful you look. You are so perfect. And I cannot wait, till the time comes when I fully and completely make you mine." He kissed her lips gently, wiping away the tears that she spilled.

Deep in the mountains, a girls eyes opened, now dark and devoid of light, "Welcome to the Commandments, Elaine the new Commandment of Truth."

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