✼ Shifting ✼

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What is shifting?

Shifting is adjusting your conscious self from one reality to another. Anyone can switch and to be honest we do it all of the time. There are infinite realities which we switch from just by making a decision. If you chose to wear a hat to work one day then you have shifted to a reality where you are wearing a hat, it is similar to shifting. Shifting is just the process of switching to another reality. It is the process of creating anything you wish, there are no limits when it comes to shifting.

What is a script?

A script is the created version of your DR. It should be written in the present tense if possible as your DR is currently occuring just without your conscience inside of it. A script is a plan, a well mapped out plan of the reality you wish to shift to. You can adjust ANYTHING you please when it comes to your DR and this is where scripting comes in handy! Scripting is not necessary however it can help keep you safe and prepared inside of your DR and WR. There can be some after effects from scripting incorrectly but don't worry they are not severe- you won't die!

How can I shift?

Many people shift using methods, there are many, but the one for you is the one that makes you feel the most comfortable and relaxed. If you are hesitant about doing your selected method then it probably isn't the correct one for you, but don't fear there are many to choose from!

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