The piano method

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For this method you will need a playlist or a loop of piano music.

Put some headphones on and begin to listen to it. 

Close your eyes and visualise yourself in a gown/ suit as if you were to be attending a ball/ function and you had to be dressed fancy or formally. 

You walk into a large room filled with people that are from your DR.

Inside the room is a piano, you walk towards it.

You are playing the piano. Try to imagine it as real as possible. 

Imagine yourself playing the song that you are listening to. Do this until you feel a connection to your DR self. 

Once you have finished, someone from you DR will approach you and say, "it is time to go."

You bow and walk towards a door. At that door should be a hallway, go down it until you see a door with a golden handle. 

You open it and there should be a white light glowing from it.

Walk in and you should be in your DR. 

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