✯ Common questions ✯

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Here are some common questions that get asked:

Can I get stuck in my DR?

⇢ No you cannot, there are safe words and safe actions that can take you out of it.

How will I be able to tell the time in my CR from my DR?

⇢ Personally, I like to script so that I have a watch that shows the time in my CR, I recommend this.

Is it important to have a script?

⇢ It is not important but many people like to use it to keep them safe, for example "I cannot die in my DR"

What is the best method?

⇢ I'm afraid to say that there isn't one. For everybody a different method works best so keep trying different ones until you find the perfect one for you. You will, don't lose hope.

Who can I talk to about shifting?

⇢ If you need advice about shifting, please don't hesitate to ask anyone who has for advice, including me. Feel free to talk to your CR friends about your shift or your process if you're comfortable doing so. However, I would not recommend talking to your DR friends as they could possibly think you are crazy as their conscience only shows you in their reality or they could go crazy, thinking they were only made for you. 

Is time different in a DR to a CR?

⇢ It can be however scripting helps you control time as a ratio in your CR to your DR.

Do I have to use a method?

⇢No you do not, whether it makes you uncomfortable or you just cannot be bothered, it is not necessary. Methods only keep one half of your brain awake, while the other sleeps allowing you to shift. 

Some methods say don't move, is it bad if I do?

⇢I would recommend not moving while you are going through the stages of the method however there is no harm in moving into a sleeping position as long as it makes you comfortable and relaxed, which will make your shift easier. 

When do my eyes open in my DR?

⇢Your eyes will open naturally, if you have used a waiting room then your eyes will open once you have fully shifted. If you have to think "Should I open my eyes?" then unfortunately it is most likely that you did not shift. If your eyes open naturally and out of reflex then there is a high chance that you did! 

If there are any questions please don't be afraid to ask, I'm more than happy to help. ♥♥

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