The raven method

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This is a popular method, especially if it is your first time shifting I would say try this one to begin with. 

Make sure you are half asleep or really sleepy but don't fall asleep just yet!

Spread out into a starfish position, if you have a small bed just make sure none of your limbs are in contact with another. 

Try not to move!

Visualise your DR and what's around you, while doing this count to 100. I know it may be hard to focus while counting but do your best, I know you can. 

Once you have reached 100, say, "I have shifted" to yourself/ in your head.

If you feel a tingle, or that you are floating and you hear voices in from your DR this is a very good sign that you are shifting.

Fall asleep as still as you can and you should awaken in your DR.

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