The train method

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If you want to use a subliminal for this you can but it's not necessary, if you do I recommend this one. (

For this I recommend scripting that you will wake up instantly once you are in your DR.

For this method it is not necessary for you to fall asleep but if it helps you then you can. However this method requires full relaxation so meditate to clear your mind or do some breathing exercises before you try this method. Remember to remain relaxed and calm. This method is also really strong about visualisation, so If you struggle with that a lot I do not recommend this method. 

Close your eyes and focus as much as you can- ensure to remain as still as possible.

Imagine yourself on a train that is travelling towards your DR.

Imagine the train stopping at its destination, you have arrived.

You step of the train.

The world around you is your DR, you are you DR self, you are no longer in your CR.

When you are certain that you are in your DR open your eyes and you are truly in your DR.

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