✧ Some reminders ✧

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1. Do not obsess over shifting. It takes time, possibly someone you know could have shifted in one or two weeks, that does not mean that you cannot shift, you just need to find the right method. 

2. I would recommend meditating or putting yourself in a calm state before trying any methods.

3. Ensure to re-read your script. You could have made a mistake, you don't want to mess that up!

4. Script that time pauses when you leave your DR, that way you can pick up where you left off last time.

4. Shifting is not the same as lucid dreaming. Shifting it taking your soul from one reality to another, lucid dreaming is consciously knowing that you are in a place that is not real. 

5. Not all tiktoks work, if you've seen something on tiktok, tried it; and it hasn't worked, don't be down it was probably just a false method. 

6. If you're scared of what your clone may do, add in a watch to your script or script that you clone remains asleep while you have shifted (if you do the second part make sure the time is sensible)

7. Script that you are safe/ can't die. 

8. Script that you carry no trauma from you DR to your CR or vice versa.

9. KEEP POSITIVE. You can do this, and the more negative thoughts you have, the harder this will be.

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