The portal method

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This method requires you to be calm or relaxed, do this by meditation or breathing exercises.

Lay down on your bed, make sure there are no distractions so that you can be relaxed and focused. 

Get into a comfortable starfish position, if you're not comfortable or in a small area just make sure none of you limbs are touching another. 

Steady and calm your breathing, do not move. (apart from your lungs)

Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking towards a dark tunnel.

Imagine a glowing portal at the end of that tunnel.

After you walk through that tunnel, imagine yourself in front of the portal.

On the other side of the portal is your DR self.

Your DR self tells you that it is time to come home.

Imagine your soul leaving your CR self and continuing on to your DR self. 

Now that your soul is in your DR self, you should see your CR self on the other side of the portal. 

You turn around and walk towards your DR bed, get in and fall asleep just like your CR self.

You should awaken in your DR.

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