Part 38

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-Rin's POV-

The waterfall ninja did not look pleased. I retrieved my nunchucks from beside the bluette, who was lying on the ground, the lights knocked out of him. The other two ninja charged without hesitation. I shoved Sakura to the side, mentally screaming at her to stay away from the fight. Thankfully, she understood and left to guard our fight site. Sasuke and I forked off in different directions. No eye contact was needed. I unsheathed my other dagger, and spun around the two ninja in circles, knocking back their strikes and forcing them closer and closer together. Sasuke followed me, a thin wire thread pulled behind him, unnoticed by the two ninja. I landed one last blow and jumped upwards, Sasuke pulling the rope tight. The rope wrapped around hard enough to draw blood, and the two Genin squealed like babies. I picked up the guy's kunai off the ground, pinning them against the tree. With a swift bonk in their heads and a couple of kicks, the two leaned against the tree unconscious. Sasuke brushed off his hands, huffing as he searched the ninja for a scroll. He finally found a Heaven scroll. "Well, that's not very helpful, considering we already have one." Sakura said, walking over. I plucked it from Sasuke and shoved it in my shuriken pouch. "Let's hope it will come to use." I said, wiping blood off my dagger and sheathing it with a quiet click.

We brushed ourselves off and kept walking, hoping to maybe find a useful scroll, instead of one we already had. I sighed. If we found another heaven scroll, I would seriously rage. Once again, we walked through the forest, except this time, something just felt wrong. I was probably the only one that felt it, because the other two kept walking casually, talking quietly. It wasn't a creepy feeling, but something disgusting felt nearby, kind of like the feeling of a snake. Snake! My hand darted to my black sword, soundlessly drawing it out of it's sheath. My hand tightened around the hilt uncomfortably, hitting a hidden button on my glove. Metal plates and spikes popped out, my newly made weapon. The clicking of the metal alerted Sasuke, and he turned around, looking at me funny. As he opened his mouth to say something, a hiss protruded from the trees. "Team 7. Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Rin, what a pleasure seeing you here." The voice said with a disgustingly fake tone. A figure walked out into the clearing. A grass ninja, except the voice didn't match. Neither did the grossly long purple tongue flicking around his face. The idea clicked in my head. Stepping forward, I proclaimed, "Orochimaru, one of the legendary sannin trio. The snake kid." I snarled, running a metal covered finger over my sword blade. 

He laughed, a horrid sound, and hissed, "An intelligent one I see. Don't worry young Uzumaki, I will be coming for you after the Uchiha." He smiled. Sasuke growled, and charged directly at him recklessly. That kid. Never knows who he's picking a fight with. Sakura tried to scream a warning, being one of the more intelligent ones at the moment, but Orochimaru had already struck Sasuke back. He then charged at Sasuke, slithering like a human snake. He should have been able to dodge that, but his eyes were frozen wide open in fear. I growled, sword slashing at Ororchimaru. His tongue shot out, wrapping around the hilt of my sword like a slimy rope. If he swallowed my sword, I'd be dead. I karate chopped his tongue with my left hand, causing it to recoil slightly. Taking that moment of distraction, I yanked my sword from the tongue grip and sheathed it back. Not taking any risks here. Sakura ran to Sasuke. "Rin will we be ok? Will Sasuke be ok?" She asked fretfully. I sighed, my mind racing. "Sakura, unfortunately, I think this is an opponent that not many people in the hidden leaf village are on par with." I said grimly. "What!? Then what are we going to do!?" She asked, obvious panic in her voice. "We have the classic two choices. Fight, or flight." I said. 

"Sakura I have a plan. I don't care how dangerous it is, we have to carry it out." I said. She sighed. "I'm already used to your crazy ideas, and for some reason, they usually seem to work. Go ahead. Surprise me." She said. I quickly explained the plan to her, and her eyebrows shot up, but nevertheless, she nodded. Sasuke seemed agreeable too, especially because he wasn't really in any condition to fight. I made a couple quick hand signs, pressing my palm to Sakura's arm and Sasuke's hand. Steam emerged from the contact point, but no one said a word. "Well don't leave me out of things, though it seems like you're leaving. A little good bye present for my Sasuke now can I?" Orochimaru hissed. His neck began to elongate, his fangs growing longer. I cursed under my breath, hurriedly making more hand seals, and muttering incantations under my breath. His head was getting closer, and closer! With a final word, I smashed my palm into Sasuke's neck, just as Orochimaru sunk his teeth into his neck. Prevent it I could have tried, but we all knew I wouldn't succeed. Sasuke's scream reverberated off the trees, and I grasped both of their hands, concentrating my chakra. There was a lurching feeling in my stomach, and I collapsed on a soft grassy ground. 

"Oof!" Grunted the three of us as we tumbled to the ground. "Where the heck are we?" Sakura asked, still holding a limp Sasuke in her arms. "How did we get to the entrance gate?" I grinned half heartedly. "I'm secretlly a magical unicorn." I rasped, still tired from the amount of chakra I'd used in the past five minutes. On the metal gate where team 7 had entered, there was a small black symbol imprinted on the metal gate. Resembling a four bladed ninja star in a circle. The symbol of my flying thunder god jutsu. Of course, my level of chakra control wasn't nearly as good as the fourth's, so it took quite a bit of energy for me to execute. But at least we had evaded danger. I pulled myself to my feet unsteadily, hurrying after Sakura. We trudged through the forest further, drawing closer once again to the tower in the center. "I hope we don't run into too much trouble." Sakura said, still carrying an unconcious Uchiha on her back. "I hope we don't run into any. I nabbed this off of Orochimaru grass ninja dude." I said, grinning as I pulled out an earth scroll. Sakura's eyes widened, and she allowed a small smile. There was a rustle behind me, and there was the sound of running footsteps. I cursed myself in my mind, for not realizing someone was nearby. I quickly yanked out a scroll, sealing the heaven and earth scrolls inside, and shoving it back into a pocket of my belt. Before I could react to anything else, something smashed into my head, and I tumbled onto my knees, vision blurring in and out. 

I heard a muffled scream of my name, and a green and orange blob running over and screaming, "Do not fret! I will save the beautiful young lady!" That was all that registered in my head, as I tried to steady my spinning vision by leaning against a tree. Unfortunately, it failed and my legs crumpled underneath me, and my vision went black.

I woke up to a very painful headache, most likely caused by the idiot that clocked me in the head. My eyes fluttered open groggily, to see Sakura looking at me with a concerned face. Immediately I tried to sit up, but she shoved me back down. "Don't move Rin you need to recover from that head wound." She scolded. I grinned halfheartedly. "You'd make a great medical nin Sakura. You beat them? Your hair seems shorter." I said, leaning myself against a tree and taking a sip of water. "Thanks Rin, and yeah, we beat them. I got a self done haircut." She said, blushing a bit. I smiled. "Well, let's get moving right?" We need to get to the tower now, since we already got the scrolls. How's emo ducky head?" I asked, pulling myself to my feet. I reached into my shuriken pouch and pulled out a granola bar from a day ago, cramming it into my mouth. "Sasuke's fine. I don't know what you did to him, but he seems okay now." She said gratefully. I swallowed my granola bar and gestured with my head. And off we went. 

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