Part 14

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Rin's POV

Before I could beat up Kakashi sensei even more, the clock rang loudly, signaling 12:00 o'clock. Sasuke and Sakura got out from their hiding spots, and the three of us stared at Kakashi sensei, wondering what he would say.

He wiped th flabbergasted expression off his face and said, "well, none of you got any bells, so I guess that means you all fail." I tipped my head towards Sasuke. He nodded, and released the substitution jutsu, and two sticks fell to the ground. I dangled the bells in front of his surprised face.

He cleared his throat, and said, "well there are only two bells, so which one of you is going back?" "We all are." Sasuke said. Sakura nodded in agreement. I dropped the bells on the ground, kicking them towards him. "None of us would ever leave a comrade behind." I said firmly. Sensei then smiled, and picked it the bells saying, "you pass!"

After we ate lunch, sensei said, "well I think you figured out that the excercise was supposed to develop teamwork. Well, now, I want to strengthen you bond more, by telling each other everything about yourselves." "Will you tell us about you?" Sasuke asked. Kakashi shook his head. Typical. "Okay Sakura, let's start with you." Sensei said. Sakura nodded. "I'm, well, smarter than the average Genin, and my chakra control is good. I'm pretty strong, and I get mad quite easily. I don't like close range Taijutsu, and I don't know that much ninjutsu or Genjutsu. I can break genjutsu, but that's all. I Umm, fight with Kunai and shuriken, I usually trow them, and, that's about it." Sakura finished.

Kakashi nodded. "That's good, did you guys hear that?" He asked Sasuke and I. We both nodded. Next, went Sasuke. "I'm an Uchiha clan member, one of the last ones. I have good dojutsu (visual jutsu) skills, obviously, my sharingan. I'm good at Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu alike. I'm also pretty fast and have high attack and defensive stats. I prefer fighting with ninjutsu or Taijutsu, instead of weapons, but if I use weapons, I'll use kunai." Sasuke said. Sakura and I nodded, remembering all of it.

Finally, my turn. "I'm a member of the Uzumaki clan. I'm good at Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu alike. I know some fuuinjutsu, (sealing techniques) and I'm told that my stamina levels are off the chart, which compensates for my slightly lower defence. I'm fast, and my attack power is just regular, but I have lots of chakra, so it all works out. I'm smart, but not Shikamaru smart. I like to fight with my sword, my kunai, my nunchucks, and my dagger. I prefer close range combat over long range, but I can handle both well. And finally, I'm a pretty good trap setter. I like using paper bombs, wire, and various paper sealing tags. And Umm, oh, I prefer heavy weapons." I finished.

Kakashi nodded. Well, now, I think it will be a lot easier to think of formations and strategy. Now, meet me here at 7:00 sharp tommorow for team 7's first mission.

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