Part 25

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Rin's POV

We were currently at the bridge builder's house, where he lived with his daughter, Tsunami, and grandson, Inari. I sat beside Kakashi sensei's bed, where he was resting from the aftereffects of the sharingan. I sighed. "You know sensei, you probably shouldn't use the sharingan if it takes this big of a toll on you." I lectured. He sighed. "It's not that bad. I just won't be able to stand for a day or so." He said, sitting up. I shoved him back down. "You might as well just not move at all." I said. "Zabuza isn't dead is he?" I asked, lowering my voice.

Sensei sighed. "You saw them too eh? To tell the truth, I highly doubt that he's dead. Don't tell anyone else. We don't want them freaking out." He warned. I nodded. "I'll be outside if you need me." I said, walking out the bedroom door."

As I walked in to the kitchen, Sakura,, Sasuke, the bridge builder, and the little twerp were sitting at the table, with Tsunami cooking in the kitchen. "How's sensei?" Sakura asked, obviously worried. "He's fine. He might be in bed for a while though." I said. "I'll be in the forest, see ya." I said, walking right out the door without a second glance.

When I was finally alone, and away from the alchoholic bridge builder, the whiny short kid, the emo duckbutt, and the pink fangirl, I sat down on the high branches of a tree a pulled out a kunai. According to the 3rd, it was my dad's. I inspected it closely. It was a bit heavier than a normal kunai, but hey, I like heavier weapons. It could actually be great for trapping weapons in between the three spikes. But that wasn't the reason I took it out.

One reason was to practice throwing of course, but my other reason was to inspect the kanji writing on the handle. Instead of the traditional leather wrapping to help with gripping, a thick piece of paper was wrapped around the handle, with 4 kanji words written down. What the hell does this mean? I wondered. And who does this even belong to? "Dad" isn't very specific. From what I know, I could be sisters with like, Sakura or something! I shivered at that thought. I sort of kind of just a bit ever so slightly hated that girl.

"It's the 4th's kunai." Kurama butted in. "Wait, 4th, as in 4th hokage!?!?" I half asked, half screamed at him. " Well since I already spoiled that for you, I might as well tell you about your parents." He said, resting his head on his arms. My inner self sat down patiently on the rippling water. "Your parents are, the 4th Hokage, Namikaze Minato, also known as the yellow flash. Your mother is Uzumaki Kushina. But I swear, you don't look like either of them. He informed, muttering the last part. I rolled my eyes. "Wait, then why is my last name Uzumaki, but not Namikaze?" I wondered out loud. " It's because if people knew you were a Namikaze, they would have killed you." He said. I nodded. "Wait, there's one part that I need to clarify. So the 4th sealed you in his own child?" I asked. "Yes, they did. Well, only half of me. The other half is in him. But don't get mad at them, it's not their fault they had to seal me in you. " He answered.

I shook my head. "I'm not mad. I understand that they did it for mine, theirs, and the village's own good. I just kinda wished I could have met them." I wondered. "It's not like I like you anyway. And we'll talk later. Someone's coming." Kurama said. I was thrown back into the real world, almost falling out of the tree I was in. It's Kakashi sensei, Sasuke and Sakura's chakra signatures. Kakashi should be in bed but with Zabuza still alive, I doubt he can stay still.

I landed softly on the ground, most likely scaring the hell out of three of them, by the looks on their faces. "Sup?" I asked casually. By the grim looks on my teammate's faces, I assumed sensei already told them about Zabuza. Kakashi gave me a closed eye smile. "Oh hello Rin. We're going tree climbing."

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