Part 45

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There was a light rap on the door. I opened it, seeing the rest of my team, clothed in black. "Hey. You ready?" Kakashi asked. "Oh, yeah, let's go." I said, locking the door behind me. We walked in silence to the memorial stone, where the hokage's funeral would be held. The village was bleak and depressing. Not surprisingly of course. The hokage and multiple ninja were dead, the leaf village was vulnerable to attack. I sighed as I left a white rose on the grave. "Course you picked the worst possible time to die gramps." I muttered. Footsteps stopped next to me. "Hello Iruka sensei." I said glumly. "The third hokage, he leaves behind a legacy for all of us. He will be remembered forever. And will fuel our determination." He said. I watched as his sad eyes crinkled into a smile. He gave my shoulder a quick pat, before turning and walking away. "A legacy, huh." I said to myself. I clambered onto a nearby roof, staring into the space. Two figures stood by the entrance of the leaf village. I focused chakra into my eyes, seeing two men in black cloaks with red clouds. One said something to the other, who shook his head. I shrugged, dismissing it, as I hopped down from the roof, making my way back home to change out of the depressing funeral clothes.

"I glanced in the mirror, staring into my heterochromic reflection. "Kid." Came a voice. I flinched, seeing pervy sage sitting on my window. "Listen, we've got a mission." He said, hopping into my apartment. I sighed, tying the knot of my eyepatch. "From who? Thought the hokage was dead." I grunted, walking over to my weapon shelf and scanning through the numerous knives. "The village elders. See, they want me to be hokage, but nah, I've got an old buddy that would do a better job than me. Her name's Tsunade." He said. "Never heard of her." I said, sliding two daggers into their respective sheaths. "Of course, youth these days, she's the queen of slugs and healing, also known as the failed gambler." He said, chuckling as if remembering something. "Well that's a pretty weird variety of things to be renowned for." I remarked, grabbing a handful of teleportation kunai and snapping the case shut. "She is pretty bizarre, but she can beat your face in any day of the week." "Now she's starting to sound like Sakura." I thought out loud, wrinkling my nose. "C'mon kid, pack your stuff, let's get going. The village shouldn't be left unprotected." Pervy sage said, grabbing a soda from my fridge. I slid a few scrolls into their holders and shoved a small roll of paper bombs into my shuriken pouch. "Alright alright." I sighed, following him out the window. 

"Alright kid, we're going to lay low here till tomorrow morning. Don't do anything stupid." Jiraiya said, flopping onto a bed. "Right." I mumbled, sweatdropping. Not long after, pervy sage had left to go flirt with some girl, there was a knock at the door. I opened it. Standing before me was the man I saw earlier, dressed in a black cloak with red clouds. "Can I help you?" I asked. The man didn't say anything, but closed his eyes. When he opened them, there was a flash of red, and everything went black. 


"Ugh, what the hell?" I grumbled. I was in a very uncomfortable position on the floor, and my head was still ringing with pain and fogginess. I could make out Sasuke charging at the dude who probably knocked me out, his hand a ball of lightning. A chidori? Or something of the sort. I bit my thumb to summon a toad to help Sasuke, but a shark man drained my chakra, and the effort sent me slumping back into the floor, completely exhausted, vision blackening. I was conscious enough a few minutes later to see properly again. We were in a huge pink tunnel with roughly slimy edges. "Where the hell are we?" I asked the white haired toad sage, rising shakily to my feet. "A mountain toad's esophagus. Your Sasuke friend is being absorbed into the wall so he's not put in harm's way. Stupid kid tried to fight Itachi and Kisame." Jiraiya grunted, clearly not pleased. "That's the shark dude and the wrinkly Uchiha right?" I asked. "Yeah yeah, they got away, sadly, but not too much harm do-"

 "DYNAMIC ENTRY!" Came a loud, rather unpleasant yell. A green jumpsuit tumbled into pervy sage, knocking him into the pink slimy wall. "Oh, master Jiraiya, terribly sorry, I thought you were Kisame or Itachi." He said, climbing off of pervy sage. "I still have no idea what the hell is going on but I'm going to kill those two people." I growled, metal glove crunching as I clenched my hand into a fist. "Kid, they're way out of your league. Give it a rest before I have to knock you out to shut you up." Pervy sage barked, drawing green jumpsuit sensei over to a corner to talk. 

"Alright kid, c'mon, we gotta get slug lady fast." Pervy sage said, gesturing with his chin. "Uh... yeah. Alright." I said, still not fully informed in, like, anything. Guess I'll have to just go with the flow. "Hang tight kid, I'll teach you something real cool next time." Pervy sage said, winking, starting to walk down the dusty path. I sighed, shaking my head, jogging to catch up to him.

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