Part 33

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-Rin's POV-

I actually think Kakashi is trying to improve himself,  cause miraculously, he was more or less on time again! Anyhow, he had explained to us what the chuunin exams were, and he gave us an application form, blah blah blah. Even though he said this was an "individual choice", I knew better than that. I was mainly just hoping that Sakura didn't chicken out, so that Sasuke and I weren't forced to quit. 

In my free time, I had been slashing off the heads of straw dummies with my twin swords. Suddenly hearing a rustle behind me, I whipped around, slamming the person against a tree, my swords crossed at their neck. "Rin! It's me, Hinata!" She exclaimed, probably already used to me slamming her into trees. I blinked for a second, then released her, flustered. " Oh, sorry sorry! When I heard rustling, I though someone was trying to kill me!" I said, sheathing the swords. "No no, it's fine, I'm already used to it anyways. So are you going for the chuunin exams?" She asked, as we began to walk towards the village. " Well, I most certainly want to, I'm not sure if my teammates want to though..." I said. "Oh, don't worry about it, I'm sure they will!" She said cheerfully. 

"BOSS! BOSS! BOSS!" Came a loud kiddish scream. Konohamaru was running over with his two little sidekicks, Moegi and Udon. I sighed. Sasuke and Sakura had just so happened to walk over too. "Who's the twerp?" Sasuke asked, his eyebrow twitching slightly. I shrugged. "Some next academy student that likes to call me 'boss'," I answered. "HEY, SHE'S GOT A HGE FOREHEAD!" He yelled, pointing at Sakura. Uh oh... "YOU LITTLE RAT! GET BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE!" Sakura screamed, chasing Konohamaru around in circles, already in banshee mode. "Ugh, I really hate it when this happens..." I grumbled. "Don't we all." Sasuke answered, hopping into a comfortable spot on a nearby tree.

"What the hell you little weasel!?!?" Went a loud yell from behind the fence. I rolled my eyes, walking around the corner to see what was going on. A dude wearing a black jumpsuit, purple face paint, kitty ears, and something huge on his back, which I guessed was a puppet due to his chakra, was holding Konohamaru by the scruff, shaking him up and down. "Hey! leave him alone! It was my fault." Sakura said, a bit nervous. "Put the kid down, we don't want to get into a village dispute." I said, pointing at Konohamaru. "And why would the sand village need to dispute over a measly little kid like this?" Asked a girl who had just emerged from behind a tree. She was wearing a white dress thingy, with a red sash, and a huge fan on her back, her hair pulled in to four ponytails. Sakura pointed at Kono. " That's the hokage's grandson." She said. Those four words made him drop Konohamaru in shock.

Before he could yell back an insult, a deep, slightly creepy voice said, "Kankourou, what the hell are you and Temari doing?" Turning to my left, I spotted a red haired dude wearing a huge sand gourd (honestly, what is with these people and giant weapons!?) hanging upside down from a tree branch. "G-gaara, sorry, this little twerp wa-" Kankourou started nervously, but was promptly cut off by the red haired dude, whom I assumed was Gaara. "I don't care, now just shut up and come back with me, or I'll kill you." He said coldly. The two sand ninja gulped, and promptly began to leave. "Not so fast." I said, throwing a kunai at Kankourou, just barely scratching the side of his face, causing a drop of blood to fall. Sasuke landed beside me, violently hissing, "Stop starting a fight!" I rolled my eyes, and elbowed him in the ribs, effectively shutting him up. "Apologize to him at least, you threw him for no big reason." I said, pointing at Konohamaru, who was watching this conversation with his friends like he was watching a movie. Kankourou muttered a quick sorry and promptly left, with Temari muttering under her breath about weird leaf ninja. "You, what's your name? And you." Gaara's voice cut through the silence unexpectedly. "Uchiha Sasuke." Emo duckbutt answered, already turning away to leave. Gaara's eyes pierced into me as I grinned, completely unbothered by his stare and replied, "I'm Rin!"

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