Part 36

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-Rin's POV-

Well, this dude is certainly rude, he interrupted our conversation. A tall man with a bandanna and a black coat stood at the front of the room. "My name is Ibiki Mornino, and I'll be your proctor for the first exam." He grumbled, obviously grouchy, impatient, and not wanting to do this. Couple minutes later, the rules were explained, and everyone had begun the first test. A classic written test. I looked around. This test was supposedly hard, and everyone was finding a way of cheating without getting caught, although some were so obvious, like mirrors, or a dog, cough cough Kiba, I was amazed that they didn't get caught. I took a look at the rookie 9, and the older leaf team with Neji in it. Neji was using his byakugan, wheras tenten and lee just stared at their papers. Ino was using mind transfer, although she could make it a bit less obvious, but not a bad idea. Shikamaru was using shadow possession, and Choji was just scribbling on the paper, god knows what he was doing. And finally, my team. Sasuke was using his sharingan, good choice, and he was smart enough to hide his eyes under his bangs. Sakura seemed to be doing well too. I have to give it to her for being smart. I sighed. Might as well get started on my own questions.

Six of the nine questions on the page, I figured out by myself pretty quickly. It took a while for question seven and eight, but after a few minutes of thinkng, I finally got it. Now on to the last question. I didn't have much time left, and thinking probably wasn't going to get me anywhere. So I did what I thought was the best thing. "Aerius, bump wings with me." I hissed quietly, putting a fist behind my back. I felt feathers come in contact with my knuckles, and we were sucked into my subconcious mind. "Aeri, can you look at Sakura's answer for question nine?" I asked. "Sure!" He said. A couple seconds later, he told me the answer. I thanked him, and we were whipped back into reality. I glanced at the clock. Four minutes left. I quickly rephrased the answer, and turned my sheet over. I gave Aerius a high, um, wing five, and offered him a treat. I'm happy that  they let me bring him into the test. They probably don't know that birds of prey have a three hundred sixty degree field of vision. Sakura and Sasuke looked at me, and I gave them a small wink. They both turned back around, no longer worried. We've got this first stage in the bag. Let's go team 7! But honestly, sheesh. To think they had so little faith in me. 

"Alrighty! Time for the tenth question!" Ibiki's loud voice yelled across the exam room. "Now, before I start the tenth question, I will tiell you. If you get this wrong, you will neve have the chance to become a chuunin ever again." He said. Collective gasps filled the room. "I will give you the chance to drop out now. But if you drop out, your whole team gets disqualified." He warned. Murmurs of uncertainity rippled through the room. I turned around. Sasuke was cool and collected, as usual, but Sakura looked a bit shaky. I gave her a smile and sent a facial message. Don't waver. People started to leave the examination room. I rolled my eyes. Wimps. Ibiki's gaze stopped on me, who knows why, and he gave me the scariest glare he could muster. I had to admit, it was pretty scary, but that didn't faze me. I just glared back. He quickly averted his gaze. Rin, 1, Ibiki, 0. After all the leaving finished, he surprised us, well, everyone but me, with, you passed! To be a chuunin you need to be able to face pressure, blah blah blah. I zoned out as he explained why we passed. But I was quickly snapped back into realirty by the sound of shattering glass. A woman, whom was wearing a very revealing fishnet shirt, stood in front of a banner stating, ANKO MITARASHI, SECOND TEST CHUUNIN EXAM PROCTOR. Yeesh, why are all of these proctors being rude and disturbing me?

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