Part 4

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Rin's POV

Both the ninja's wielding katana's jumped forward, they were going for Sakura and Iruka sensei. Noticing this, I intercepted one if them, and kicked the other one in the nuts, sending him flying in to a tree. Taking the opportunity that the ninja I was blocking was distracted, I pulled out a scroll from my belt and threw it in the air, making a hand sign and stomping on it as it hit the ground. A chakra barrier grew, sealing Sakura, sensei, and soul inside. Soul whimpered at me, but I simply said, "take care of Sakura and sensei."

Turning my attention back to the battle, the ninja I'd been blocking recovered from the confusion, and rushed at me. Now, I don't want to brag, but I'm really good with a sword. I'm pretty fast too. So I started beating the crap out of the ninja in front of me. But before I could knock him out, a wave of shuriken came raining down on me. I was forced to back up, so I wouldn't get hit.

Unfortunately, it was a trap, and when I turned around, the ninja with the poisoned kunai tried to cut me. I was too late to dodge, and the kunai raked across my face, leaving a jagged, lightning bolt shaped cut. Thankfully it hadn't been too deep, or else I would have lost an eye. Suddenly, burning hot, excruciating pain came from the cut. I fell to my knees, holding my face. Grinding my teeth, I realized this poison was probably not supposed to kill, but just to cause pain.

Half blinded by the blood dripping in to my eye, I stood up to face the sound ninja.
"Not so confident anymore eh kid?" One of them snickered. "There's no way that four jonin could lose to a bratty little academy student like you." Another one retorted.
I narrowed my eyes angrily and growled "watch me."

I charged at the two ninja with the katanas. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the ninja with the poisoned kunai bracing himself for an attack, and the other one making a tiger hand sign. I used my sword to knock one of the ninja's katana out of his hand. I whipped around and drove my fingers in to the pressure point on the other guy's neck. Knocking him out cold. From the other side of the clearing, I heard, "Fire style fireball jutsu!" Oh lord, jutsu attack time. Before he could blow the fireball, I made some quick hand signs and said, "water style water wall jutsu!" The fireball collided with the water and blew up in to a cloud of steam. A fire style user, alright. "Water style water dragon jutsu!" I yelled. The ninja yelled, "Earth style earth wall!" My water style simply dripped off the wall.

From what I'd observed, the ninja with a jutsu scroll was maintaining the chakra barrier trapping my friends. Unfortunately, he was being guarded by the ninja with the poisoned kunai and the ninja with the katana. I couldn't even get close to him.
I'd have to use a wide range attack if I even wanted to take out one of them. Racking my brain, the perfect jutsu popped in to my head. "Ice style frozen spear jutsu!" I yelled. Ice style was a kekkai genkai that one of relatives possesed, which explains why I could use it. The ninja obviously weren't expecting it. The jutsu expert and the katana user narrowly avoided getting hit, but the poison kunai ninja wasn't that lucky. He got hit smack I'm the middle of his chest. Taking the moment, I darted in and smashed my fingers down on his pressure point, Knocking him out cold. 2 down, 2 to go.

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