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"But you still broke the law." Yeah right, I should've let them just die then. Helplessly standing by like a good citizen Yuqi thought to herself while staring at Nezu with a blank face. "Ofcourse, the consequences  are different for the lovely tourists visiting our country. You may go after you receive dinner as a thank you for your good deed."

And so Yuqi was dining at a large table with delicious food accompanied by Yaoyorozu, Sero, Kirishima, their home teacher Aizawa, and the principal. This is one manly dinner! Exclaimed Kirishima. Too bad the others can't have a taste, Sero said. Yuqi ate her food in silenceYuIt was so yummy. But she almost choked when the redhead said something with quite a loud voice. Yaororozu quickly said something to Yuqi now that she was looking up and not focusing on her food. "Thank you for helping us." Yaoyorozu said with all sincerity. Yuqi promised it wasn't a big deal but Yaoyorozu assured her that it was a big deal. Not only did she save their lives but they could attend the upcoming finals of their 3 years at U.A. without any problems. Yuqi said that she thought they'd all do well in the exams as long as they keep working hard. Then proceeded to point some things out they all could improve, being a former teacher at a hero school back in her own country.

"Excellent, Nezu said." They all looked confused. "The finals exists of 2 parts. theoretic and practical. The practical can be divided in 1 on 1 duels, team missions, paired up with your partner you will be protecting a 'civilian' at all times until the exams are over. You also need to train your partner. The rules will be explained in depth when we make the pairings. Yuqi, would you like to be a partner of a hero student? Maybe you can help teaching, but not cheating if you know what I mean." Yuqi thought for a bit and than answered "I'd love to, but I can't. Actually I was going back to America at the end of the week." Nezu assured her that that wasn't a problem at all. We can sighn papers for your stay here. And Aizawa would take care of Yuqi while she's here. "I'd be delighted the homeroom teacher said with a sleepy face and voice. Because of her excitement, Yaoyorozu stood up. "Yuqi, you can stay at my place! It's the least I can do for you. Please accept the offer." After a call to her mother and father Yuqi was allowed to stay in Japan.

It couldn't have been a better time for this all to happen. seeing as they have a 1 week break starting after tomorrow. After dinner they all went home.

~Yuqi's Pov.

We walked out the school gates. And I let out a sigh. Damn I didn't think this all would happen when I decided to go to the mall this morning. The black haired girl laughed. Neither did I. Kiri, Sero and I were on patrol duty but the villain caught us off guard. We were walking and talking until she made me stop before a quite expensive looking car. "This is our ride." I couldn't but smile from excitement. Are you rich or something I asked more jokingly than serious. She nod her head shy. She than asked me where I was staying to get my stuff and go to her house. When we arrived at her house I almost couldn't believe it. It was huge. Not to bad, I thought while she gave me a tour. "Ohh and by the way you can call me Momo or Yaomomo if you want. It's what my friends call me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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