The Tragedy with a Happy Ending~Rex (Part 2)

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A/N: welcome back! I promised juice and I'm here to say I think I delivered.

Also to the 5 people who are reading my one-shots, I love y'all.

Slowly peeling your eyes off of the planet growing slightly as you entered its atmosphere, you looked over to Rex, who could sense all your burning questions.

"With permission from Queen and Senator Organa, they are allowing us into your childhood home to take whatever like with you back to Coruscant. Senator Organa actually suggested I take you here. Said it would nice for you."

"Rex... thank you..." was all you could muster out. The emotions you were feeling were already too great and you had yet to set foot onto the planet's surface.

Rex knew very little about your childhood and never asked as it hurt you too much to speak of. All he knew was you were from Alderaan and you were supposedly the only one left alive in your family. Anything more than that was lost to him.

Landing on the Alderaan airfield, he guided you to a speeder bike, sitting behind Rex and wrapping your arms around his waist, you placed your chin on his shoulder, directing him to your childhood home.

Once out front, Rex parked the bike and he offered you his hand in assistance to getting off. Taking it gratefully with a smile, as he was always a gentleman, you stopped in front of the door. You took a glance around, admiring the beautiful scenery around your home. Turning towards the door, you hesitated, afraid of what lied beyond. Rex reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it reassuringly, "It's alright cyar'ika, I'm here with you".

Giving him a small smile, you sighed and reached for the handle. Turning it slowly, you opened the door. Inside, everything was just as you remembered it. You and Rex walked into the living room, the room attached directly to the front door and everything was still in its place. Along the left side of the wall, was the doorway to the dining room and you refused to look over into it, afraid it would look the same as the day you had left it, bloodied and disastrous.

Throughout the room, you reached over and touched items as you passed by, picking up bits of dust on your fingertips as you did. Rex was completely quiet as you both walked hand in hand through the house. He wanted you to speak first as this was your former home, your current trauma. Whatever had happened here was dark. Even he could sense it. You eventually guided Rex into your parent's bedroom. The sight of it alone brought tears to your eyes. The perfectly made bed and perfectly decorated walls reminded you so much of your mother. The pictures that hung around the room silently spoke to you. Some with laughter, some with muffled screams.

Rex thought bringing you here would bring balance and peace to your life, he was hoping he wasn't wrong in doing so.

In the corner of your parent's bedroom was a large chest. Black in color with gold trim and locks. On the top was the crest of Alderaan, signifying your parents were of great importance to the government. Still holding tight to Rex's hand, you slowly made your way over to the chest. Rex noticed how you tensed up when you saw it, wondering if what was inside was the fuel to all your fears.

Letting go of Rex's hand for the first time since you had walked through the door of your childhood home, you knelt and placed your hands on the top of the chest. Rex knelt with you, and for the first time since you had walked in, you spoke, "This chest, Rex... this chest holds everything my parents held dear to their hearts". Rex glanced at the side of your face and he could see the fear behind your eyes. You were afraid of what was inside. You were afraid if anything was inside.

Grabbing hold of the locks, you undid them, taking a breath and then opening up the top. On top laid a neatly folded garment bag, with something inside. Reaching over and slowly pulling it out, you stood up and undid the buttons. Inside was your mother's wedding dress. The mere sight of it in between the slits of the bag caused you to choke up. Bringing a hand to your mouth you stifled a cry. Rex quickly stood and grabbed your arm,
"Mesh'la? What is it?"

"Rex, this is my mother's wedding dress"
Fully unbuttoning the bag, you slid the dress out and marveled at it. Tears were slightly blurring your vision but a small smile formed on your lips. Rex was elated to see you smile. The dress was a long sleeve and made of satin. There were buttons down the back and the dress was meant to hang off of the shoulders slightly.

"Cyar'ika, that is a beautiful dress"

"It is" you replied, " my mother absolutely loved this dress. She always spoke of how she could not wait for the day she could see me in it". You faltered at your last remark. Your mother would never get to see you marry.
Rex being the amazing person he is, noticed the spilt second your smile fell and after one year of letting you take your time with your trauma and its side effects, Rex gathered enough courage to ask, "Cyare... what happened to your family?"

You glanced over at Rex with a solemn look. You took a deep breath and placed the wedding dress on your parent's bed and reached into your parent's chest once more. After sorting through some baby pictures and other items of clothing, you pulled out a large framed photo.
Grabbing Rex's hand, you guided him over to the edge of your parent's bed and sat. You patted the space next to you and he sat down.
Putting both hands on the frame you began to ask, "Rex, what do you know about the Erso family murders?"

Rex was slightly taken aback by your question and in all honesty, he didn't know much.

"I don't know much. I've only heard bits and pieces from my brothers. I know they lived here on Alderaan and all but one survived the murder. Why do you ask cyare?"

"Rex, do you see this photo?"

You held up the photo so he could see. In the photo were eight people. You pointed to each person as you spoke.

"This man and woman right here are Maddock and Adeliah Erso. The little boy the man has his arm around is their oldest son Andrius. The little girl right beside him is Sylvia. And the two little ones the woman has her arm around are their youngest children, Lilith and Llewyn. They were twins."

"Cyar'ika, what about the little girl standing behind the twins?"

"Rex... that's me"

Rex instantly looked up at you. His eyes were wide and his mouth gaping. He seemed to be looking for the right words to speak but all he could say was, "The Erso family murders... that was your family..."

Nodding your head slowly, "I am an Erso".

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