Be Like This~Kix

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A/N: Almost 1000 reads! I am so honored y'all!

Also, I am trying to write as much as possible since I only have four more days. Expect a lot of publishing until then!

I simp for season 7 Kix. Like cheese and crackers🥵

Lying among a tangle of sheets, light peeking through the windows just barely, the only source of warmth was coming from Kix beside you.

His hand was draped across your waist, palm flat to your stomach. Your back was planted firmly to his front. His head was buried into your shoulder blade and as you slowly went through the sad ritual of waking up, you could feel his breath, steady against your skin.

You smiled to yourself, reveling in this small moment. Maker knows what is in store for you and Kix on both of your days off.

Turning slowly underneath his arm, you found yourself facing him.

He looked so peaceful when he slept.

His face was at ease, no headaches, no eye rolls, no stress. Just peace.

Reaching your hand up from between the two of you, you softly ran through your fingers through his hair. Starting at his jaw and tracing upwards into his hair.

He loved when you played with his hair and you knew he would not mind waking up to you in it.

As you continued running the thick strands between your fingers, you heard Kix sigh from the motion. Looking from his hair to his face, you could see the start of a small smile.

Without opening his eyes, he pulled you closer to him which caused you to giggle.

In his morning voice, which was soft but deep and raspy, "Good morning cyare"

Calling sweetly back, "Good morning"

He placed a small kiss on the top of your head and continued to hold you close to him, but you didn't mind. You wanted it to be like this forever.


As the two of you continued to wake up a bit more, you found yourselves pulled apart slightly. These were your favorite parts of the morning.

This is where the two of you would be close enough to feel the warmth from the other's skin, but far enough you could see each other's eyes. This is where you two would speak softly to one another and share kisses every chance you could get.

"Cyar'ika, why can't it be like this forever?" Kix huffed out, placing a soft kiss on your lips after asking.

You had a hand on his jaw and another on his chest, tracing every scar and muscle you could see.

This was a question you thought about often.

Why couldn't it be like this forever? No war, no fighting, no loss, just the two of you together on a remote planet living life and starting a family. That was all you both wanted anymore. But you knew, unfortunately, neither of you would get an answer to that question until after the war was over.

You gave him a small smile and leaned into him more. You didn't need to answer him, Kix knew that. What he had asked would always be a rhetorical question; until after the war was over.

As you were pressed into Kix's chest you were startled a bit when your comlink went off on your bedside table.

You groaned at the wretched beeping sound. It was supposed to be your day off. You didn't want to answer it.

Pulling the covers up and over your head, Kix chuckled and reached over you to grab your comlink.

Keeping an arm around you sulking underneath the covers, Kix answered the call.

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