Without You, I am Nothing~Tech

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A/N: This was supposed to be published yesterday. Whoops 😬

Life on the go was never something you had envisioned for yourself.

You had always preferred being settled in somewhere quiet and peaceful.

Being with the Bad Batch you never got either.

You had joined them only seven months back when they had landed on your home planet of Coruscant.

Tech had caught your eye. The same day you had met him and his brothers was the day you left everything behind to be with them.

The rest was history.

Being on the go nonstop since then was gradually becoming too much.

The missions, the injuries, the nightmares, everything was becoming too much.

Nobody else has noticed it was bothering you until recently.

You had become withdrawn and spoke little to anyone, even Tech.

Your relationship with him was finally suffering and Tech couldn't stand seeing you like this.

Everything he recommended or tried to do to help you just pushed you even further.

All that was wrong was you missed your home.

After a particularly long and stressful mission where you had been left aboard the ship while they were out, pushed you quite far.

When they had come back, you weren't at the ramp to greet them, as you had always done since you had joined.

Concerned about where you had gone, Tech ventured into your shared bedroom to find you lying on the bed, idly scrolling through the datapad.

Seeing you like that, Tech noticed you looked drained. You no longer looked as happy and passionate. You weren't yourself anymore.

"Cyare, I'm back," he said as he walked through the doorway, beginning to peel off his armor.

All he was met with in response was a small "Hey".

Taking off the last bit of his armor, he walked over to you on the bed and knelt on the floor in front of you.

Reaching you, he placed a hand on your head and guided your face up to look at him.

Looking into your eyes he saw how empty they looked.

"What's wrong?" He asked, a concerned look crossing his face.

You wondered for a moment if you should tell him, but chose against it and simply said, "I'm just tired".

Tech didn't believe you for one second but he knew better than to push you.

Placing a soft kiss on the top of your head, he got up and walked to where the rest of the guys were, wondering if they too had noticed the change in you.

Since you had joined you had been a light to the group. Always uplifting them if things went south. Always optimistic and laughing. They loved you, truly. But like Tech, they had eventually noticed the change in you.

Walking to where the guys were, Hunter asked, "Is she okay?"

Tech looked over at him, "No". This caught everyone's attention and all eyes were drawn to him.

"I think she misses her home," Wrecker said, almost sadly.

Tech nodded his head, unsure what to do to cheer you up.


Getting bored of the datapad, you got up, wondering where Tech was.

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