A Tragedy with a Happy Ending~Rex (Part 4)

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A/N: Here is the happy ending I promised and it's a whopping 2500 words long!!!

I'm actually super happy with the way this turned out and I hope you all enjoy it too!

Fully stepping out of your former home you noticed how dark it had gotten outside. The sun had just begun to set and everything looked just as you felt, peaceful. You smiled to yourself at the newfound tranquility that ruled your life.

Rex grabbed your hand, "Why are you smiling mesh'la?", he asked, giving you a small smile.

"For the first time in 13 years, I finally feel at peace. Thank you, Rex, truly, for all of this. For everything. I am beyond lucky to have you in my life. I love you."

Rex was finally grateful he had brought you to your former home. He was happy to see you smile. "I love you too cyare. With all my heart. Actually, before we head back home to Coruscant, there's something I want to show you." At this, Rex's nerves began to set in.

You chuckled, "Show me? On my home planet?"

"Yes, cyare" Rex said smiling "And I think you're really going to like it". Guiding you by your hand, he helped you back onto the speeder bike, newly fastened with your parent's chest.

Sitting in front of you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his back, both excited and curious about where Rex was taking you. Before starting up the bike, Rex took a minute to glance behind him at you, marveling at your beauty and fantasizing about the moment to come.

Taking a deep breath, he started up the bike and sped away to where he was planning on popping the big question.

After a few minutes ride, Rex stopped the bike.

Slowly lifting your head off of Rex's back, you took a look around, stunned by where you were. You had never seen any of this before, but yet again, you had only lived on this planet for 8 years, and you were extremely young during that time.

Rex had taken you to a gorgeous hilltop. There were big, beautiful trees everywhere and the most strikingly green grass ever known to mankind. The sun was just lying on the horizon now and everything felt so calm, so gentle.

Offering you his hand once again, you slipped off the bike, grinning at the beauty of the scenery around you. Rex chuckled at how big your smile was, knowing nature was always a big weakness for you.

Walking hand and hand up the small hill, you continued to marvel at the world around you.

Every now and then, Rex would steal a glance at you, excited but growing more anxious by the minute.

At the top of the hill, there was a small table adorned with a few candles and two plates of your all-time favorite food.

From where you had parked the bike, you couldn't see but from where you now stood, the hill overlooked a beautiful lake. Half of the sun now reflecting off of the water. Everything looked so unreal.

Letting go of Rex's hand out of shock you marveled at the setup before turning to him, "Rex, what is all of this?"

"This is all for you cyar'ika."

"This is beautiful. Thank you, Rex. Truly. I don't deserve all of this"

"Cyare, you deserve the world. After everything you have gone through, all that you have endured, you deserve all the galaxy has to offer."

You were stunned by Rex's words. Taken aback by his sudden genuineness. You found yourself speechless, but your face held the dopiest grin ever known to man.

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