Chapter Two
I wake up the next morning to the sound of the rooster. Groaning to myself, I roll over and look at the clock, which reads 5 in the morning. I let out another groan before finally forcing myself to get up. I had something I promised Blake I would do before school that morning. Actually, Blake said, and I quote, "You owe me a favor because my family fed you."
The dinner last night was delicious, and the Currington's acted as if we have been friends for years. Miranda forced Blake to agree to driving me to school today, which I wasn't arguing a free ride. It was about twenty miles to school and I definitely didn't feel like walking. Mom promised that she would get me a car when we settle in a little more.
Blake and I didn't talk much at dinner, but every time he did it was uncomfortable. It isn't like me to befriend someone so quickly.
I step into my on suite bathroom and quickly brush my teeth and pull my tangled hair up into a pony. Quickly, I throw on a pair of old jeans and a black North Face jacket. The brisk morning air makes it pretty chilly outside. Before leaving my room, I pull on a navy Ariat baseball cap. Trying not to wake up my mom, I quietly make my way out the back door and head to the barn.
As I step outside in the cool summer air, it is still pretty dark outside, which was good. Blake told me that before school today I needed to get up and ride over to the top of the hill and watch the sunrise. Since he said I owed him a favor, I promised I would do it.
Entering the small wooden barn, I switch on the lights. Most of the horses are sleeping, and they open theirs eyes at me, slowly blinking.
"Hi ponies." I walk over to my horses stall, Penny. She is a bay Dutch Wamblood who I used showed in the level 5 and 6 jumpers when I was on the circuit. She always threw her heart over the fences and ate the jumps for breakfast. Thanks to her, I have some national titles to my name. Penny lifts her head up and nickers to me. I give her a kiss on the muzzle before walking over to the tack room to grab her bridle. I decided to just ride her bareback because we both really enjoy it and I wasn't going to work her at all.
I throw on the bridle and lead her outside. Balancing on the fence, I lift myself onto her her back gently. It is not as dark as it was a couple of minutes ago. The sun is not yet visible, but casts an eery pinkish tone to the property.
"Come on, girl." I cluck and give her a squeeze forward. Overly excited, Penny flips her head and leaps into a canter. I laugh at her and hear Jack barking at us from the barn. I let her into a hand gallop as we make our way up the gravel road to the top of the hill. Once we reach the top, I slow her back to a walk. Her sides are heaving and she lets out a puff of air. I give her a pat on the neck.
"Impressive." I hear someone say in front of me. I look up and notice Blake on his beautiful black horse, Night. He is wearing the same cowboy hat from last night and his trademark smirk.
I blush. "Um. Thanks. I didn't know you were meeting me."
He grins at me. "And I didn't know you were even going to show up." Blake is also riding bareback, but Night only has a rope halter on. "Come on." Blake motions for me to follow him. I trot Penny to catch up to Blake, and slow down when our horses are shoulder to shoulder.
We walk a couple more feet until we stop the horses. Even without the sunrise the view was beautiful. It overlooked the entire valley, spreading over miles. After a few minutes, the sky is painted with the assortment of sunrise colors.
I can feel Blake looking over at me. "This is amazing." I say to myself.
Blake hears me, and I can feel the radiated pride and energy from his grin. "Good. I knew you'd like it." We stand in silence for a while, watching the sunrise. It doesn't look like this in the suburbs. Sure, the sunrise is always pretty, but nothing like this. There is no building or tree to block the view for miles. It is just open farmland.
When the sun is finally up, Blake looks at me. "Let's race back."
Before even responding to his comment, I turn Penny around give her a kick into a flying gallop. I can hear Blake laughing behind me as Night leaps into a gallop, only a little behind Penny. As we race back to our homes, I can't help but laugh. Night and Penny are neck and neck. I give Penny another inch of rein, which is enough to get her ahead of Night once again. I have to take one of my hands off the reins and hold my hat down to keep it from flying off. As we approach the farms, I pull back and slow Penny back to a walk.
"I totally let you win that!" Blake laughs, trotting up next to me. He has one of those genuine laughs that you can't help but smile at.
I roll my eyes. "Sure you did."
"Whatever." Blake says jokingly, taking his phone out of his pocket and looking at the time. "I will pick you up in exactly an hour and twenty two minutes for school."
"Great. Thanks for this. I had fun." We exchange smiles with each other before parting ways at our driveways.
New update!! Hope you guys liked reading it as much as I liked writing it!
Pictured to the side is Daniel Sharman who plays Blake. Cute, right!? Any Teen Wolf fans? I am currently starting season 5 of the show and am absolutely obsessed. The characters from previous seasons that I was in love with were Daniel Sharman and Colton Haynes. Now in the current season I cannot help but obsess over Dylan O'Brien. He is cute in this innocent puppy dog kind of way. Ok, rant over.
Actor suggestions?

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