Chapter Twenty Three
When school rolls by on Monday I am completely miserable. After I left the party I had to sneak into the house in order to not wake up Mom or James. But what I didn't know was that James was still up. He wanted to be up when I got home and make sure I got in okay. I walked inside the house that night, mascara smeared across my face, tears blurring my vision, and probably reeking of alcohol and there James is. Standing in the hallway with open arms, he hugs me tightly, not even questioning what happened. He just has this sort of sibling sixth sense. My brother was my knight in shining armor. I know that I can count on him more than any one else to be there for me. More than any other boy will ever be.
James drives me to school without question. He doesn't fully know what is going on between Blake on I but clearly he knows something is up and doesn't push me about it. I texted Blake last night and told him I was getting another ride to school. He never texted back.
"Thanks for the ride." I say quietly to James, climbing out of the car.
He gives me a soft smile, "I will be here to pick you up after school, too. And for as long as you need me to be."
I give him a small smile back and close the door. Making my way into school sinks my heart down even further because I know I would have to face both Mandy and Blake in first period AP Psych.
The fall weather was pretty cold and I wrap my soft purple cardigan tightly around my waist. I have on grey sweatpants, Ugg slippers, a purple cardigan, and a plain shirt. I didn't even wear makeup today, I just wore my glasses and hair in a pony tail. I look like shit and I feel like it too.
When I walk into psychology first period I first notice that Mandy isn't in in class, and then I notice Blake. If I look like shit, Blake looks ten times worse. He has deep set bags under his eyes as if he hasn't slept in days. With wild uncombed hair, he has a slight five o'clock shadow. Slouching in his chair, Blake doesn't make the usual conversation with his friends or the teacher. Once I walk in, his eyes glance up at me. We make eye contact for a second before I drop it. He looks heart broken and completely ashamed of himself. He probably feels about as bad as I do, but I really don't want to listen to him handing out excuses for what he did. He did something really, really shitty.
I make my way to the back of the class and sit down in my seat. Bella sits next to me, not saying a word. She taps her fingers on her desk, bouncing her leg up and down with nerves.
As soon as the bell rings Fritz starts teaching our first period AP Psych class. I zone him out, leaning my cheek into my head and staring down at the open book of lined paper in front of me where I really should be taking notes. quarter finals are coming up in a few weeks and I can't afford to bomb them. Although my grades are good, they aren't great.
Bella taps my shoulder, taking me out of my day dream. She slides a sticky note to me, with words scribbled on it. 'You ok?' The note says. I pick up a pen and quickly write back, 'Fine. I should have believed you from day one about Blake. It just sucks.' I think back to the first day of school when Bella told me to be careful around Blake. I brushed the comment off, thinking that Blake was better than everyone was saying. Boy, was I wrong. Once a player, always a player. Her eyes meet mine and she gives me a sympathetic smile. I crumble up the note and toss it in my backpack.
"Miss Wright?" Fritz says sternly, making the whole class turn my direction. I feel my face turning red. "Is everything alright back there?" He asks, not concerned but more just targeting me because I wasn't paying attention in class.
"Yeah." I spit the words out quickly, playing with my ring on my finger under the desk nervously. Attention like this in front of the whole class wasn't my thing.
"Alright, what is the part of the nerve cell that specializes for conducting information?" Fritz quizzes me on what he was talking about in class today since he knew I wasn't paying attention. What an asshole, I really didn't need this today. But good thing I read an extra chapter in the course textbook.
I fold my hands on the desk and stare into Fritz dark, soulless eyes. "Axon." I say bluntly and the teacher looks genuinely impressed. He goes back to lecturing the class and I go back to spacing out. Today was going to suck, I already know.
By the time last period rolls around I am dragging my feet. I go through the motions of the day automatically, like my body is there but my mind isn't. It sucks knowing that the only person I really look forward to talking to is someone I can't even look at. I know I have to face him eventually, and sooner is probably better than later, but it still makes my heart sink thinking about it.
Speaking of the devil, as I walk down the empty halls after school, there is Blake, leaning against my locker, sporting his football jersey. The hallways are now abandoned, with all the students now at extracurriculars or at home, and the teachers leaving for the day. The reason I was here so late today was for a Student Council meeting.
"Please move." I force myself not to look at Blake, for it would hurt to much, so I stare at my locker instead. He reaches his pinky out to touch my hand lightly, but I pull away and take a step back. "Please move." I repeat, not as strongly. My voice wavers and I am on the verge of crying. Or screaming, I'm not sure which emotion I feel more of right now.
He sucks in a deep breath, "Please, Caroline, just look at me." Blake begs, but I don't give in. Not for one second will I give him the satisfaction of accepting his weak apology. Hell, it wasn't even an apology. "I screwed up, really bad. And I know you don't want to hear my excuses but I was drunk and in shock when she kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I didn't do anything."
Biting my lip, I hold in anger, "I thought you didn't drink." I say sternly, quickly turning on my heels and walking the other direction. Suddenly, I didn't care about the homework in my locker. I just needed to get out of there.
Super crappy and depressing chapter, I hope you guys hated it ;)

With The Labels
Teen FictionNew town, new year, new beginnings. That is Caroline's motto as she and her mother move to a small southern town for a fresh start after the death of Caroline's father. After settling in and starting the year at her new high school, Caroline is invi...