Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

When I arrive at Luke's house, the party is already crazy. Dozens of people, music is blaring, and the strong stench of beer greet you as soon as you step foot on their property. Personally, I hated the taste of beer and never drank at parties. It wasn't because I was a good girl, even though I was, I just didn't like drinking.

"Ladies." Luke nods his head at Bella, Rachel, and I as we walk into the house. He is clearly drunk, slurring his words and wavering as he walked. I roll my eyes. You think someone on the varsity football team with scholarships to college ahead of him wouldn't waste his career by drinking. If you get busted underage, there goes your career, but people surprise you. Rachel and I went back to Bella's house after the game to change. We redid our makeup into something more party appropriate. Rachel decorated my face with a smokey eye look and Bella forced me into a skintight black dress and slight heels. Of course, both B and Rachel looked stunning in their outfits, too.

"Go and find Zeke. Congratulate him. Go!" I whisper into Bella's ear. She grins at me and runs off into the crowded party room.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gunna go get myself a drink. Want something, Care?" Rachel says to me while scanning her eyes over the party. Rachel is the kind of girl who can get any guy she wants.

"No thanks. I'm going to get some air, but go have fun!" I encourage her. Before I finish my sentence, she is off. You don't have to tell her twice. My head is spinning. The smell and the noise is making my head spin and I just got here.

I wander back out the front door and sit down on the porch steps. I place my head in my hands.

"Not your scene?" I look up and Blake sits down next to me. He has on a grey button down with the collar popped and sleeves rolled up. I got to admit, he looks good.

I shake my head. "Not really. I've been to parties, but I don't like alcohol."

"Same." I glance at him. I always imagined Blake getting drunk on a Friday night. I guess I just let what everyone said about him get in the way of who he actually was. "I mean, I used to be. Freshman and the beginning of Sophomore year, I was crazy at parties. But when I made it onto the varsity team, and reality kind of set in. I knew that if I wanted a successful future, I couldn't let it get ruined by doing something stupid in high school."

"You know, you're a lot smarter than you look, Currington." I joke with Blake. He softly chuckles. When his voice fades, the sound of the party takes over. "You were amazing out there, you know."

His cheeks redden. Was Blake Currington actually blushing? He looks away from me, obviously embarrassed. "Can I tell you something, honestly. Don't laugh."

I nod my head, curious to what he has to say. "The whole time I was on the field when I scored the last touchdown, I was thinking of you. I know, it's kind of stupid. But at half time when you told me to kick some ass, I wanted to live up to your word." Blake bites his bottom lip, glancing at me, waiting for what I had to say nervously.

I raise one of my eyebrows and nodded. "Good thing, too. If you would have lost us that game, I don't know if I could have ever spoken to you again." I stifle back a laugh, trying to look serious. Blake clenches his jaw and straightens his back, shocked I would say something like that. I laugh and bump his shoulder playfully. "Just kidding. Man, tough crowd."

Blake rolls his eyes. "Had me worried there for a second, babe. Come on, why don't we get out of here." He reaches for my hand and I pull back, about to run inside if he tried anything. "Chill, babes. I mean, let's go home. I would rather go home then spend time at a party that I'm bored at."

"Same." I mutter under my breath. Blake takes my wrist and guides me to his car. I shoot Bella and Rachel a text that I was getting a ride home in case they were wondering where I was.


We pull into the driveway and my house was dark. Mom's car wasn't in the drive.

"¿Donde está tú madre?" Blake asks me where my mom is in Spanish.

"She went back home for the weekend. Our old house still hasn't sold. She still needs to pack up some things."

"Will you be okay all by yourself?" Blake seems a little worried.

I shrug, trying to act nonchalant. "Probably." More like probably not. I hate staying home alone. I hated the dark and the empty house. Every time I heard a noise, I thought it was someone or something trying to kill me. One too many scary movies.

"Come on, let me at least walk you inside." He shuts off the car and we both climb out. I take the key out of my pocket and unlock the front door. The horses are all out in turnout for the night and Jack is locked inside the barn. We both slip inside and I make sure to lock the door. Flipping on the foyer light, I look up at Blake.

The mood was slightly awkward. I have never been so alone with Blake. "Uh, want anything to drink?" I fail at an attempt to lighten the mood. He shakes his head and follows me up to my bedroom. Thank god mom was out of town because she would so, so not approve of this. I flick on my bedroom lights and grab my pajamas to change into.

Blake is staring at me. "Thanks for the show, Caroline." I roll my eyes at him. At least he actually called my by my first name and not some nick name like baby doll or sweet cheeks.

"In your dreams." I retort, walking over to the bathroom. Glancing into the mirror, I see Blake pouting as I shut the door. I change as quickly as possible into my pajamas, a loose black crop top and floral flannel shorts.

When I walk out, he is looking through the photographs hanging on the wall. One is of me when I won a big $10,000 Training Jumper cup, another is of me and mom and dad, and the last one is the newest. It is me with my arms slug over Bella's shoulder from the girls night we had earlier this week. We put face masks on, and her mom couldn't help but snap a picture. My face was bright green and hers was pink.

Not knowing what to do. I lay in bed, burying myself under the covers. My eyes feel really sleepy. Blake looks at me. He doesn't smirk or make any smart remark. He flips of the light switch in my room and is about to leave. A sudden flash of loneliness washes upon me. I didn't want to be left alone. Even if it meant being with Blake.

"Wait." I say, barely above a whisper. Grabbing his hand, he stops dead in his tracks, obviously not expecting anything like this to happen. "Don't leave me." Without saying a word, Blake climbs under the covers with me. I scooch over to make room for him, feeling slightly awkward. I have never slept with a boy before. He wraps his strong arm around my waist, pulling me in closer. I lay my head on his chest, listening to the even, slow heartbeat. My eyes get heavy and I close them. And that is the night where I got the best sleep of my life.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. Blake and Caroline are getting closer, how do you guys feel about that??;) Also, for those of you waiting for a horse chapter, one is coming up. Dontcha worry, darlings, I got your back.

Thanks for reading!

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