Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I wake up Saturday morning before Homecoming to the sound of the rooster in the barn. You know how some weeks seem to pass quicker than others? This was one of those weeks. It flew by and before I knew it it was already the weekend. Homecoming week is a crazy one for Honeycomb High. With spirit dress up days, pep rallies, and dress shopping everyone's mood is on a high. Each school day leading up to the dance on Saturday consists of a different theme to dress up as, known as spirit week. The freshmen, sophomores, and juniors typically have the same dress up themes, except for Thursday which is class colors, but seniors have a different, crazier theme. Throughout the week the teachers tally up who dressed up. Then at the pep rally on Friday all the votes are totaled to determine the winning class. The prize, you ask? Just for fun and bragging rights.

Monday's theme was Hawaiian, a fun yet easy way to start the week. I wore one of my dads old button down tropical shirts, jean shorts with a grass skirt over them, flip flops, and sun glasses. When I got in the truck with Blake that morning, he gave me an extra lei to wear. Practically everyone in the entire school dressed up, even teachers. Naturally the seniors were winning at the end of day one. Even if one of the other classes had more dress ups, they typically rig it so seniors win.

Tuesday came around and the theme for seniors was pajama day. I just wore an old Pony Finals shirt from 2007, Mickey Mouse slippers, and polka dot pajama pants. Some how the freshmen were leading after day two. All of the seniors were pissed to be taken over by children practically four years their minor. We were out for blood on day three.

Halfway throughout the week came western day, which was by far the easiest day since a lot of the student body already wore western type clothing to school anyways. I decided to go with the stereotypical cowgirl. I wore the cowboy hat Blake gave me with two side braids, a plaid button down, boot cut jeans, and cowboy boots. The seniors came back that day and over took the freshmen. They were foolish to think they could beat the seniors. After school on Wednesday I went over to Rachel's house. She had about a million different dresses and shoes and said I could borrow some for homecoming. I picked out a stunning white dress with red pumps. The dress had one shoulder that was covered in jewels. The stomach area wasn't made out of white fabric, but a sheer material scattered with the same jewels as the shoulder. It was an absolutely stunning dress and I couldn't wait to wear it.

Thursday was spirit week for all of the classes. Each class had a different color, and seniors were white. I wore white socks, white sneakers, white shorts, and a white shirt. Again, somehow the underclassmen come out on top and now the sophomores were leading. Never in my high school career had juniors ever won or lead spirit week. Junior year is like that one grunge year in high school where everyone is too unmotivated to dress up, but magically gain that motivation back senior year.

Friday was school pride day. All of the grades were supposed to dress up in as much Honeycomb High School gear they could. Since I was still pretty new to the school, I didn't own much school apparel, so I borrowed a lot of it from Blake. And by borrow, I mean steal because all of his stuff is so soft and warm and smells like him, minty and faintly like eucalyptus. In my defense, that boy had enough school wear to last a life time. I wore Blake's pair of grey sweatpants that say Hornets. Since they were super long I had to roll them up a few inches and cinch the waist band tighter. I also wore Blake's orange and black football sweat shirt that read Honeycomb Hornets Varsity Football on the front and Currington on the back. The pep rally on Friday was a lot of fun. All of the grades got to skip seventh and eighth period to go into the huge gymnasium. Everyone stood in the bleachers, watching the cheerleaders, pommies, flags, and choirs preform. Then the principal gave a boring ten minute speech about how great our school was and called up each person in a fall sport up individually to show his pride. Thank god I wasn't in a school sport because that is super embarrassing. It was just a good time surrounded by good people and dance music. The seniors ended up winning spirit week because, well, seniors. We didn't do much academically this week and I was totally okay with that. At the pep rally also they nominated the Homecoming king and queen. And of course, Mandy was queen, and some random jock was king. Blake knew him from the team, but they didn't hang out. From what Blake told me, our new Homecoming king gets 'wasted every weekend and is flushing his career down the toilet with it'.

Today, Saturday, we have the Homecoming football game and in the evening we have the dance. Blake will be playing in the game this early afternoon, but he said I didn't have to go. Most people don't go to the homecoming game because they were busy getting ready for the dance. The dance didn't start until seven, so before hand I would be going to Zeke's house with a bunch of other people for pictures and appetizers and then after I am going over to Blake's with just a couple of our friends. Nothing too crazy, just some friends hanging out who don't feel like getting wasted like all of the other teenagers after the dance. His parents promised to be out of our hair and would go out to dinner and a movie or something.

So my morning will consist of mom helping me get ready. It has kind of been our tradition for years, helping me get ready before dances. Mom styles my hair and then makes me lunch. It's a good deal and fun mother-daughter time. I will be driving to pictures with Blake, but mom and James will meet us at Zeke's. All of the parents and family were invited to see their kids off to their last ever Homecoming. It is actually really sad to think that this is my last high school Homecoming I will ever go to. It's been a crazy four years of dances and I can't believe it is really almost over.


Hey guys! I will be splitting Homecoming day into several chapters, fair warning. I hope you enjoy because I for one love getting ready and going to dances. Sorry if this chapter is kind of boring, it is just good background info and events that lead up to the dance.

Pictured to the side is supposed to be Caroline's dress to Homecoming and her shoes.

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