Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"So." Bella looks up at me with a bottle of periwinkle blue nail polish in her hand. "How are you liking it in Honeycomb so far." We are sprawled across her bedroom floor, painting our nails and blaring country music.

Examining my steel gray and white nails, I reply, "Good. It's only been a few days but I like the town and the school and the people. Well, most of the people, anyways." Bella laughs at that. "The change in pace was much need for my mom and me."

Bella nods her head. "Agreed. I'm happy you moved here. I feel like we have been friends forever." We share a smile, and Bella helps me paint a top coat on my right hand fingernails.

"So..." Bella eyes me curiously. "Got your eyes on any boys?"

I look up and stare at the wall. Pouting my lip, I shake my head, "I mean, not really. I have guy friends but thats about it..." Suddenly, I remember the first time I met Bella and how she told me to be careful around Blake. "Hey B?"

"Hmm?" She hums quietly as she paints her fingernails.

"Remember when you said to stay away from Blake and be careful?" I swallow the lump in the back of my throat. I wonder why I was nervous about the topic. It's not like we were friends. Definitely not after the rough day we had at school today.

"Yeah? What about it?" Suddenly her eyes get wide and she looks up at me, carefully screwing the top of the nail polish back on. "You don't like him, do you?"

"Oh god, no!" I let out a slight laugh. "We are just friends, if even that. I was just wondering why he has a bad reputation."

Bella snorts. "Well first off, no girl is just friends with Blake Currington. He is manipulative, cocky, full-of-himself jerk who thinks he can hook up with any girl that he wants. And trust me, he does."

Wow. I guess that description does fit his personality, at least the cocky part. "He doesn't really seem like that, though."

She laughs. "You haven't been in town long enough. Just you wait and see, Care." She shakes her head and lays down on her stomach, finishing her nails. I sit cross legged next to her, blowing on my hands for the polish to dry. "You and Zeke. Anything going on there?"

Now it was my turn to laugh. "No. We are just friends. Why?" Why would she think there was anything going on between us?

She shrugs. "Just, you know, rumor has it, you, the cute new girl, and Zeke, the sweet, innocent jock, have a little fling going on."

I can feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. "Why would anyone think that?"

"'Cause every time I see you and him together he is always talking to you and you guys are always smiling together. And trust me, I would way rather you have a thing for Zeke than with Blake."

"Hm. Duly noted." I remark. Could that be why Blake was being to weird about me and Zeke? Maybe he is like the replacement overprotective older while James is away at school.

Bella touches one of her nails to test if it was dry or not. I do that same. The nails seem dry, and I flop on my back. The fluffy lilac carper sucks me in. "What about you, B, any boys?"

I see her cheeks light up a bright red. She flops on her back next to me. "Are you sure you don't like Zeke at all?"

A big smile spreads across my face and I flip on my side to look at her. "Not at all. Why, do you?"

She bites her bottom lip. "Yeah." She says quietly. Usually Bella is outspoken and loud, not in a bad way. She doesn't hold anything back and doesn't care what people think of her. I have never seen her act this nervous about someone before.

"Ohmigod! No. Way! B, I'm so so happy for you! He is such a nice guy!" We both sit up and I give her a big hug.

"Pretty please don't tell anyone." She looks down at her feet.

"B, you have to tell him! Or I'll talk to him for you! Promise me you will talk to him at the football game on Friday?" I hold out my pinky as if I was a elementary school student making a promise with her best friend.

She rolls her eyes, cheeks a fire red. "Promise." Bella links our pinkies together and we break out into a fit of laughter.


By the time Bella drives me home, it is nearly midnight. We had a night filled with gossip, movies, and dancing to country music. I didn't even care that it was on a school night and I would have a hard time getting up in the morning. After we painted our nails we danced around then freaked ourselves out watching Nightmare on Elm Street, the original, and calmed down by laughing along with We're The Millers. It was the first time I had genuine fun in a long while.

"Love ya, girl. See you at school and the game on Friday." We hug goodbye and I sneak into the house, trying not to wake mom


Kind of short and crummy chapter. It took me wayyyy to long to write it

Pictured to the side is Debby Ryan who plays Bella

Which main guy do you like better? Zeke or Blake?

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