Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

"A double date, huh?" I question Bella, flipping through her closet filled to the brim with clothes, looking for an outfit that would deem date night yet casual appropriate.

"Yes, ma'am. You, me, Blake, Zeke, the big screen, and a nice dinner before hand." Bella calls to me from her bathroom as she changes into her outfit of choice. Somehow Bella convinced me that going on a double date was a good idea. At least the weather held up and it didn't down pour like it was supposed to. It was a cool Saturday evening. Nobody thinks that this far south in Alabama it gets cold. But in actuality, the nights can pretty chilly. We don't get much snow, only some flurries on occasion in the winter, however everything does freeze over.

Bella strides out of her bathroom, dressed in a little black dress, a big chunky statement necklace, and small black heels.

"You look good, B." I compliment my friend, looking down at my own sweatshirt and sweatpants. I really needed to pick out an outfit already. Blake and Zeke would be here to pick us up in less than an hour.

"Thanks, Care. As the wise Karl Lagerfeld once said, 'One is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a little black dress.'" She makes her way over to the closet, plowing through all of her dresses for one that I could wear. That is definitely one benefit to having a best friend the same size as you: I get to wear her clothes.

"Here." She pulls out a sea foam green tank top v-neck dress and shoves it into my arms. "Go put this on." Bella orders and I do as told. The dress fits perfectly, it fits tighter on my upper body then cinches at the waist with a flared bottom.

Bella whistles as I step out of the bathroom in the dress and I laugh. She hands me a grey cardigan to wear over the dress since it was fairly cold outside and adorable black booties.

Just as we finish I see Blake's car pull into the driveway. Good thing we did our makeup before picking out our outfits because there would be no time for it now.

"You ready?" Bella asks me, grabbing her clutch. I reach for my black leather purse and secure it across my body.

"Yeah." I respond quietly, following close behind her. Honestly, I wasn't one for double dates, and I haven't even been on a real date with Blake yet, alone. But hey, at least Blake and Zeke are best friends and ditto for me and Bella so that should make this night a lot less awkward.

At the car Bella slides into the backseat with Zeke and I climb into the passenger seat next to Blake, who is driving.

"Hey." We all say to each other as Bella and I get into the truck. Almost instinctively I reach my hand for Blake's across the center console and he does the same. The past few weeks for us have been pretty smooth sailing. No fights or hiccups in our relationship. We hangout or ride together pretty much every day after school if he doesn't have football practice. As for the Mandy and her clique, Blake must have said something to her because I haven't even spoken a word to them in months. It is nice, to finally be drama free for once.

"You look beautiful, babe." Blake whispers into my ear, so quietly that I could barely hear him.

"And you look charming." I smooth down his shirt with my free hand. And he truly does look good. Blake has on a dark grey button down, khakis, and a pair of dark brown Sperrys.

"So where are we going to eat?" I break the silence as Blake pulls out of Bella's driveway.

"Yeah." Bella chimes in, leaning forward in her seat,'"And what are we seeing."

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