Chapter Eleven
We finished our lunch soon after I learned the truth about Blake. We ate in silence, but it was comforting and peaceful.
I stand up on the picnic Blanket, smoothing down the wrinkles on my shirt. Blake looks up at me, curiously. I strip off my clothes, standing only in a bra and underwear. Blake stares at me, wide eyed and mouth agape. He definitely, not in a million years, would expect me to do that. Smirking, I set my cowboy hat on the blanket and turn away from him, walking closer to the small pond. Blake is dead silent. I can feel his eyes watching me, and I feel self conscious. The water is crystal clear, with a soft sand bottom. I stick my big toe in to test the temperature. The water was pretty cool, but felt amazing compared to the hot and humid summer air. Walking deeper into the pond until I cannot feel the bottom, I dunk my head under and get my hair wet.
Wading in the water, I laugh, "Come on, Blake, what are you waiting for?" He shakes his head, standing up. Blake pulls off his shirt and slides out of his jeans, standing only in a pair of boxers. He runs towards the pond, tossing his hat on the grass. Blake leaps and jumps in right next to me. I hold my hand up to avoid getting splashed in the face. It doesn't work.
He swims over to me. We are both laughing. Blake gently splashes me and I playfully dunk him underwater. We swim around for about twenty minutes before deciding to head back. Climbing out of the refreshing pond, I let my skin air dry. We lay next to each other on the blanket, quietly watching the sky through the trees. Once dry, we slowly put our clothes back on.
Once we packed up, we got back on the horses and walked further down the trails, deeper into the woods. We rode for over two hours. It wasn't anything crazy or stressful, just relaxing. Then when we were walking back to his house, we raced back. Of course, I still won like last time. What can I say, I have natural racing abilities. He said he let me win again, but that was just because he didn't want to seem like he actually lost. Which he did, by the way. After the awkward tension ended between us, it was pretty fun. Actually, it was a lot of fun.
Walking up Blake's driveway, we saw his parents pulling out in one of their trucks.
"I wonder where they are going." Blake mutters to himself.
Tim, Blake's dad, pulls the truck up parallel to us. He rolls down the window. "Hey kids," He starts, "Hope you guys had fun. Me and Miranda are going into town for a movie and early dinner."
"Caroline, honey, you are welcome to watch a movie or have dinner at our house while we are gone." Miranda adds.
"That would be lovely. Thanks." I tell her, I can see Blake out of the corner of my eye. He raises his eyebrows, as if not expecting that I would actually go to his house home alone with him. I mean, I did take off my clothes in front of him today so I don't really know what he expects.
"Sounds good, mom, dad. Have fun guys. See you later tonight." Blake smiles at his parents. They smile back, telling us to have fun, but not too much fun. I blush at that comment. They roll their windows back up and head down the driveway.
"Don't worry." Blake winks at me. "We can have plenty of fun without my parents home." I roll my eyes at him, trying to conceal my blush. I don't know why I get so flustered around him, I just do.
Blake and I took care of his horses and turned them out in the field. After we were done, we went inside his house. Standing in his huge, beautiful kitchen, Blake hands me a tall glass of ice water. I gladly accept it, taking a long sip before setting the glass on the counter. Blake opens a Pepsi can and chugs it in about three sips.
"Come with me." He takes my hand and leads me down the hall and into his bedroom. It was nothing like I would imagine a teenage boys room to look like. It was decorated simply, with dark wood floors and cream colored walls. He had an open door leading into a bathroom, a closed closet door, and a large bed with navy sheets.
Without saying a word, Blake leads me over to his dresser. He points to a picture hanging above it. It was of a young boy sitting on a bay horse with a big grin on his face. I immediately knew it was Blake.
"That was Bentley. I was like ten in the picture. The picture was taken when we first got him."
"He was beautiful." I admit. "And you look happy."
"I was. It was one of the best days in my life." He smiles at me.
I walk over to his desk, tracing my finger over its intricate wooden design. On his desk he has a record player with a disc in called 'Top Country'.
"Good taste in music." I say to myself, a little too loudly. Blake hears me, pressing a button that turns on the record player. He turns the volume up and Sam Hunt's 'House Party' blares out.
I start singing to myself, taking a step back from the desk. Blake stands up, intertwining his hands with mine. He spins me, swaying side to side. I laugh aloud, Blake smiles. Blake lets go of my hands, turning the music up even louder. We both sing along loudly, not caring that we sound horrible. I run my hands through my hair, dancing around wildly. Blake joins me. We are both laughing like crazy. The mood is light. He dances out of his room as the song changes to 'Crash and Burn' by Thomas Rhett. While singing, Blake gestures for me to follow. With hands in the air, I follow him.
It feels like hours have passed, and we are still dancing. 'Moonlight Crush' by Casey Ashley plays softly in the background. My arms are on his shoulders, and his hands are placed lightly on my waist. The song comes to an end and the record player turns off.
He rests his forehead on mine, centimeters apart. His breath smells like mint. Blake's eyes are on my lips, and he closes the distance between us. Our lips barely brush each other's before I pull back.
"Blake, I-I can't. Not yet. I'm sorry." I whisper to him. He bites his lip, sighing. Blake and I both take a step back. He looks sad, and it makes me feel bad. But I have been through too much to let someone else in so easily. I have barely known him for a week, this is happening way to quickly.
"I should go." He nods and gives me a sad smile. I walk out of his room without another word. I bite the inside of my cheek and draw blood.
"Oh perfect." I mutter to myself. Just as I was leaving, Blake's parents walk in the front door.
"Caroline, hi honey!" Miranda says to me with a cheery smile on her face.
"Hi." I give her a slight smile back. "I was just leaving."
"Oh, you don't have to leave just yet! Let me fix you up some dinner!" She smiles at me.
"Thank you but I really must be going." I slide past them and out the front door. I felt claustrophobic in that house all of a sudden. Besides, I still had to take care of the horses and feed the dog.
I took care of the animals as quickly as possible before running up to my bedroom. I changed into pajamas and leaped into bed. Burying my face in a pillow, I scream. Why, why did Blake try to kiss me? I didn't even know he saw me that way. I thought we were just friends. I need a friend. I don't need a boyfriend. I need to stay away from relationships for a while at least. I can't trust anyone that quickly. But why did Blake have to make me feel this way? I really wanted to kiss him back. It was so hard for me not to. And I don't know why.
Flipping on my back, I stare up at the ceiling. Maybe I lead him on? Oh god, was it my fault? What will Blake think of me now? What about school? Dozens of questions run through my head and my brain is on overload.
Yeah? So the scene with them dancing was cuter in my head. I apologize.
Should I do a special Blake POV chapter of the almost kiss and her running home? (It won't be Chapter 12, it will just be a little addition for y'all)
What do you think 'the truth' is?Thanks for reading!

With The Labels
Teen FictionNew town, new year, new beginnings. That is Caroline's motto as she and her mother move to a small southern town for a fresh start after the death of Caroline's father. After settling in and starting the year at her new high school, Caroline is invi...