Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

By the time Friday comes around, I am completely exhausted and ready to sleep in. The school bell just rang and I am standing at my locker impatiently for Bella. We were going to go to her house, reapply makeup, then go to the game. The teachers piled on homework and I have had barely any time away from my books. At lunch, we all sit down, eat, and crack down on homework. Any free time I have is spent either studying or reading The Great Gatsby for English class.

Life is pretty much back to normal. Blake is back to his normal cocky, nick naming self, no more overprotective brother attitude towards Zeke and me. I remember a conversation we had the next morning on the way to school after my girls night with Bella:
*Awkward silence*
Blake: "Do you like Zeke?"
Me: *trying to hold back a laugh* "No for God's sake!"
Me: *smirks* "Why? Are you jealous?"
Blake: *scoffs* "No. You date who you want to date. I date who I want to date."
*Awkward silence*
Blake: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Dammit, Blake, how many times do I have to say 'No'? Bella likes him. Not me. We. Are. Just. Friends."
Blake: *sighs* "Good."

Zeke and I have become pretty good friends, and it has been nearly impossible not to tell him about Bella's crush. I have dropped a few hints, however, in bio:
Me: "So what do you think of Bella?"
Zeke: "Your friend? The redhead?"
Me: *screaming internally* "Yeah."
Zeke: *smiles a little* "She seems nice. A little crazy. But cute."

So hopefully things will go well for Zeke and Bella tonight. I have come up with a plan. I will force B to wish Zeke good luck before the game, and after, when they win (they better win), she is going to hug and congratulate him. Luke, one of Blake's football friends, informed us one day at lunch that after the game he will be having an after party, so I will get Zeke and Bella to dance. It's a good plan, I got to admit, I just need it to come true. I am kind of nervous, to be honest, to go to the football game. In all three years of high school back home, I have never gone to a football game. I always was either riding or had a horse show on game nights. I didn't mind that much, though. I was never someone who cared about football.

Mandy and her clique ignored me this entire week, and I was completely okay with that. There was no need for their negativity or drama in my life. I already had enough of it.


I am snapped out of my daze by someone snapping in front of my face. I look up, meeting the warm, greenish-grey eyes of Blake. "Hey, babe, you in there?"

Blinking a few times, I stare at him blankly. "Uhh yeah. Just tired, is all."

"You better be at the game or I will never drive you to school or home or talk to you again." He points his finger at me as if he was an adult scolding a small child. He talks a step closer to me. "And I know you just can't resist me."

A shiver is sent down my spine. "I'll be there. Don't worry. I know you can't resist me." I wink at Blake in a mocking tone. Thank god, Bella is walking down the hall towards me. I start to walk towards her, but Blake grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Aren't you going to wish me good luck?" He says to me in a husky tone, warm breath tickling me. Blake smells strongly of hay, peppermint, and a sweet scent, almost like eucalyptus. It smells good. I just want to bury my face in his black polo, but I manage to contain myself.

"Uhh. Good luck." I say half heartedly, staring directly at Bella. She stares back, mouthing 'I'll save you'. I stifle back a laugh.

People are staring at Blake and me, and I start to get nervous. His hand is still on my arm. We are mere inches apart, foreheads nearly touching. I feel my face redden, and he smirks. "Don't worry." He whispers in my ear so no one else will hear. "You're mine." Whatever that's supposed to mean.

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