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 MUSIC PLAYED THROUGHOUT Ezra's small room. The thin male was currently putting away the clothes he had bought earlier in the day. A satisfied grin rested on his lips as he gradually started to fill up half of his closet.

 Black was Ezra's main choice of 'color', but there were splashes of more lively colors in the mix of black. His head was slightly bobbing as he hummed along to the song playing on his iPod. Ezra could hear the jingling from the earrings he wore with the slight movement of his head.

 The night was still young when Ezra plopped himself down on his newly boughten king-sized bed. The bed sheets were soft to the touch as he let a contempt sigh leave his lips. He paused the music and threw his IPod back onto a random pillow. His stomach rumbled with hunger but Ezra couldn't bring himself to care.

 He was feeling quite lazy at the moment as he gazed out at the moon. Ezra's window was open as his curtains swayed with the soft breeze that blew inside. Everything felt reviving as Ezra stood back up to proceed putting away his clothes. This time working on putting away his jeans, sweatpants, and other bottoms.

 Ezra was restless as he thought about what his first day of high school would be like. It was his first time, in a while, going to school and he was sure it will be interesting. Ezra also hoped he will be able to keep his emotions in check as to not accidentally bite a fellow student.

 He was sure everything will be fine as he lazily shoved his pants into his drawer.

 Ezra walked with a bounce in his step as he trailed through the lively school halls. Multiple different scents hitting his nose, causing him to pause in his tracks. Though he quickly recovered, as he made his way over to his locker. Which was shown to him when he first registered himself for this school.

 He felt multiple eyes on him and heard 'hushed' whispers as he walked by. Ezra wore a small grin as he held his head high, basking in the attention he was receiving. He always knew he was a very pretty male, so he was used to the attention.

 Ezra delicately unlocked his locker and shoved all his unnecessary items inside. He glanced at the pair of twins that walked by, he made eye contact with one of them. A sly grin stretched along Ezra's lips as he smelled the scent of dog on the pair.

 'Werewolves,' Ezra offered a wink as he turned his back on the dogs. The two boys had an unpleasant smell that Ezra didn't quite like.

 The sound of the bell ringing caused Ezra to slam his locker shut. He shoved the books he needed into his black backpack before following behind a redhead and a brunette. Who seemed to have the same class as himself.

 Ezra could smell vanilla perfume and the stale scent of death on the redhead. While the brunette smelled of sliver, coconut, and gun powder. If Ezra had to guess the brunette was most likely a hunter.

 He smiled at the two before slipping in an open chair behind a pale male, who could easily be mistaken as a vampire if not for his scent. The male seemed to be fidgeting in his chair as he looked around the room. Ezra's eyes widened slightly at the scent of the brunette male in front of him.

 He smelled earthy and had a slightly sweet scent mixing in with the earthy scent he had. Like the faint smell of damp grass in the early morning. While the sweetness smelled almost of cinnamon powder, but Ezra wasn't exactly sure.

 It was hard to explain as Ezra subtly sniffed at the air, leaning forward towards the male to get a better grasp on the smell. It wasn't that often a human male smelled as good as this male smelled. Most males smelled of strong cologne, sweat, and a boyish musk.

 Ezra leaned back with a jolt as he slapped a hand over his mouth. He could feel his fangs pressing against his bottom lip. Letting out a shaky breath to calm himself down, Ezra watched as the male in front of him gave his friend a thumbs up.

 An amused smiled tugged at Ezra's lips as he retracted his fangs. Though suddenly his phone vibrated in the pocket of his jacket. Ezra moved to pull it out as his classmates also seemed to have received a message at the same time. Everyone moving to check their phones as the room filled with loud commontion.

 "The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway," a voice read aloud as Ezra looked up, watching as an older, but still young, looking female walked into the room, "leading to the utmost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness."

 Ezra raised a curious eyebrow as he leaned forward in his uncomfortable chair. He picked up the scent of the fidgety male in front of him again and let out a blissful sigh. Though he calmed himself down as he watched, who he assumed, was his teacher.

 She looked fairly young and had dark brown hair that curled at the ends. Ezra could smell mountain ash and something else he couldn't place his finger on. He was curious but pushed the thought aside as he caught another wif of the male in front of him.

 A dreamy expression clouded his features as he tuned out everything else. His eyes burning holes in the back of the brown-haired male's head. He watched with a grin as the male in front started to squirm in his seat.

 It seemed like the male couldn't take the staring any longer and abruptly turned to face Ezra, "why are you staring at me?"

 His voice came out harsh as he whispered, trying not to bring attention to the two of them. He wore an annoyed expression as he glared slightly at Ezra.

 "You smell nice," Ezra whispered back with a loose grin. He leaned forward slightly so that he was closer to the male. As if trying to prove his point, Ezra sniffed at the air, which Ezra found amusing but the mole-covered male didn't seem to have the same reaction.

 "Well, stop staring at me," the male moved franticly as he glanced at his friend out of the corner of his eye, "if you want, take a picture it'll last longer."

 With that, the attractive male turned forward in his seat again. Though, Ezra noticed a very faint pink color tinting the male's cheeks. A dopey grin stretched onto Ezra's lips as he rested his cheek on the palm of his hand.

 Yes, Ezra knew he was a pretty boy.

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