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 EZRA SPACED OUT AS the teacher taught about the stock market

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EZRA SPACED OUT AS the teacher taught about the stock market. He was mindlessly spinning his pen in between his fingers. His eyes glazed over as he thought about how to get Stiles to talk to him.

It might have been considered weird but Ezra also wanted to be friends with the male. There was an unexplainable feeling that drew Ezra to Stiles. Maybe he should ask Lydia how he can get closer to Stiles. Seeing as the two seemed to be friends based on Ezra's first day of school.

"SEONG!" Ezra snapped out of his daze by his teacher yelling his name. He looked up at the messy-haired male. Who stood with a deep frown on his aging face.

"Yes?" Ezra asked as he made eye contact with his teacher, who he couldn't remember the name of. It was not like he bothered to memorize the names of his teachers.

"Are you going to pay attention to my lesson or do I have to give you detention?" he crossed his arms as he stared at Ezra.

"Uh, I'll pay attention," Ezra grinned cheekily, though he knew he would most likely space out again.

"That's the spirit! Now does anybody have a quarter?" his eyes scanned the class from where he stood, "a quarter?"

"Yeah!" Stiles yelled enthusiastically as he shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled it out quickly once he found what he was looking for.

Ezra's eyes widened with shock as he watched an XXL condom fall out. The whole class stared shell-shocked as they watched it fall. The condom fell by Ezra's desk as the pretty male leaned over his desk to pick it up.

"Hey, Stiles I think you dropped this," Ezra poked the frozen Stiles shoulder and watched as the male slowly turned around. His lips pressed into a thin line as he avoided Ezra's eyes.

Ezra grinned as he held the condom out to Stiles. The male hesitantly reaching out to take it out of Ezra's hold, though once he tried to take it back. Ezra quickly wrapped his hand around Stiles's and whispered quickly, "I didn't think you were an XXL but I guess we're all full of surprises."

With that, he shoved the condom into Stiles's hand and leaned back in his chair. Stiles quickly turned around as his face flushed red. Ezra snickered behind his hand as he made eye contact with Scott.

Ezra smiled at Scott's taken aback expression, Ezra figured he had heard what he whispered to Stiles. So he winked at the tan male and laughed when Scott rolled his eyes, but he wore a smile as well.

"Uh, congratulations, Stilinski," the teacher awkwardly congratulated before quickly resuming his lesson.

Ezra slammed his books down onto the table Lydia and the brunette sat at. The two girls looking up at him with a startled expression before relaxing.

"Ezra!" Lydia smiled as Ezra sat down next to the pretty redhead.

"Hi, Lydia," Ezra grinned as he wrapped a lazy arm around her in a side hug. Lydia frowned at his cold skin, her body shivering slightly.

"Allison meet Ezra, Ezra meet Allison!" Lydia quickly grinned as she used her hand to gesture between her two friends. Brushing aside her confusion as she introduced the two.

"Hi," Allison smiled politely as she took in the male before her. She had to admit the male was pretty, from his doe eyes to his plump lips.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," Ezra grinned as he stretched his hand out to her. He watched as the girl stared at it before she placed her hand in his, the two shook their hands firmly.

"Right back at you," the brunette smiled playfully before she pulled her hand back. Her eyebrows slightly furrowing at how cold he was, it felt almost deathly.

"Anyways, what brings you here, my beloved pretty boy?" Lydia asked teasingly as she looked at Ezra. Glancing at her brunette friend and noticing her expression.

"I have a question for you," Ezra smiled as the two made eye contact, completely oblivious to the two girls' expressions, "how do I become friends with Stiles?"

Lydia blinked with shock before she squinted with suspicion, "and why do you want to befriend him?"

"Hm, I think he's cute," Ezra admits as he watched Lydias face light up. Technically, Ezra wasn't lying, he did find Stiles's reactions cute. But he also didn't want to tell Lydia straight up that he wanted to taste the hyperactive male's blood. Though he also did want to be friends with Stiles, it was like he was drawn to him.

"You have weird taste, but my dearest friend I will help you!" Lydia flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically, "obviously not that I mind but are you gay?"

"I like guys and girls, thanks for asking," Ezra winked as he watched Allison draw a weird symbol on her lined paper. Though it wasn't his problem so he didn't question her.

"Hm I see, a win for both sides as you're so pretty," Lydia compliment with a nod of her head but she got sidetracked when she caught sight of the twins walking into view, "I want one."

That seemed to grab Allison's attention as she looked up from what she was doing to see what Lydia was talking about. She peered over her shoulder and watched the two walk in. Quickly, she turned back to look at her strawberry blond friend.

"Which one?" the brunette asked with a mischievous smile.

"She wants the straight twin," Ezra jumped in as he grinned back at Allison.

"Of course," Lydia smirked at the two of her friends, while she quickly pointed in the twin's direction.

Allison looked over her shoulder again just in time to watch one of the twin's eye up another tan male, who Ezra didn't know. Causing the tan male to crash into a guy trying to leave his seat.

Ezra laughed as he watched Lydia slowly leave her chair, "good luck!"

"I don't need luck," she rolled her eyes as she grinned down at Ezra, "but thanks."

Ezra chuckled as he also stood from his uncomfortable wooden chair. This caught Allison's attention once again as she looked up from the coffee cup she had grabbed. Which Lydia was drinking out of before she left to go flirt with the other, straight, twin.

"I'll be leaving now, have fun with whatever you are doing," Ezra smiled as he waved at Allison. His lips shinning as the lights of the library reflected against the gloss he wore.

From Allison's perspective, it was almost like he shined under the lights of the library. He looked ethereally beautiful that it was almost intimidating.

"It was nice meeting you!" Allison smiled as she waved back. She was curious about who Ezra was, her mind not forgetting the cold touch of the male. Maybe she was just being paranoid and Ezra was just normally really cold.

"You too!" with that Ezra left the Library, having gained no information from Lydia. He figured he will just have to be himself when it came to being friends with Stiles Stilinski.

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