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  THE SOUND OF BANGING rang through Ezra's ears

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  THE SOUND OF BANGING rang through Ezra's ears. The scent of blood filled his nose as his leg anxiously bounced. His mind became fuzzy as the Spanish words he was being taught went in one ear and out the other. He was growing progressively impatient as he kept fidgeting in his seat.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Ezra gave a tight-lipped smile as he quickly stood. His teacher raising an eyebrow but let Ezra leave regardless. Continuing to drone on about the genders each object had.

The vampire used his super-speed to get to the place he smelled blood coming from. He came to a stop when he caught sight of one of the twins hitting the other, with the curly-haired male from before watching them with confusion. Ezra's eyebrows furrowed with confusion as he took in the sight before him.

For a brief moment, the twins stopped what they were doing to stare at Ezra. They sniffed at the air and processed the pretty male before them. A look of distaste decorating their features.

"A vampire," one of them spat as he glared at Ezra.Voice full of venom and eyes swirling with anger. The look borough a cocky smirk to Ezra's face as he took joy in their hatred for him. As the feeling was mutual.

"Werewolves," Ezra grinned as he sent the two a wink. The twins let out a growl before they went back to whatever sadistic thing they were doing before. Which Ezra wasn't really into, but everyone has their tastes.

Ezra frowned as the smell of werewolf blood, which was gross, grew stronger. The vampire walked over to the tall werewolf who stood watching the twins from afar. He smelled slightly nicer than most werewolves. Like clean laundry soap with a mixture of faint cologne.

"What are they doing?" Ezra asked as he smiled up at the male. Though his tone was serious as he asked.

"I don't know," the male mumbled as he glanced down at Ezra. The faint scent of death was coming from the pale male, it was distinguishable even for Isaac.

"Hmm," Ezra hummed with contemplation before his eyes glowed grey, which startled Isaac. Who has never seen that type of eye color before, though it was mesmerizing.

The vampire stalked closer to the twins as his fangs poked at his bottom lip. Both males wore a smirk at the sight of the pretty male's expression. Though everyone stopped when the sound of a door slamming open caught their attention.

"What is this?" the biology teacher, Mr. Harris, asked as he stepped into the hallway, along with the rest of the class, "what's going on?"

Ezra quickly calmed down as his eyes and teeth went back to normal. He quickly went back to standing next to the tall male. Ezra plastered an innocent expression as he stared at his biology teacher.

"You all right?" The tan male from back in the library asked the twin that was bleeding. Ezra frowned when he noticed the other half had left. Which meant Ezra and the tall male would take the fall for something they didn't do.

"They just came at me," the twin lied through his teeth as he played the victim card.

"Issac, Ezra, what the hell did you two do?" Mr. Harris asked as he glared at the two uninjured boys, "especially you, Mr. Seong, I would've never guessed you would do something like this."

Ezra let out a quiet growl before he caught Scott's eyes. The male scent a warning stare, telling Ezra to calm down and not make things worse. Which the vampire did, letting out a sigh as he crossed his arms against his chest.

Ezra wanted to teach those twins a lesson now.

  Ezra followed behind the two werewolves as they walked down the hall and towards their lockers. Isaac and Ezra are both still pissed at the earlier events that happened with the violent twin alpha's. Ezra's lips pulled down into a frown as he complained about having to go to detention.

"Don't let it bother you guys," Scott tried to persuade them as he whispered. Giving Ezra a wary glance as he still didn't know what the vampire could do, "it's just lunchtime detention, if all they want is to piss you two off, then don't give in."

Ezra didn't realize that his locker was right next to Isaac's, whose name he had learned after the incident with the twins. So he opened it and shoved the books he had collected from his Spanish class into the locker.

Ezra was escorted back to class after Isaac and he were given lunchtime detention. The teacher wanting to make sure Ezra went back to class and not go after the twins or skip the rest of the school day. The vampire found it unnecessary but didn't object.

"It's not just us," Isaac nodded his head in the direction of Lydia who was standing by her open locker, one of the twins stood leaned by it as they talked. Ezra frowned as he watched the two conversate, a protective feeling washing over him as he stared at the girl.

He made eye contact with the smug twin, a growl leaving his lips at the arrogant grin the werewolf wore. Ezra moved to take a step forward but was held back by an equally annoyed Scott. The two males watched as the twin stalked off, the smug expression still on his lips.

"I hate werewolves," Ezra spat before tilting his head towards the other two, a playful smirk adorning his lips, "No offense."

With that Ezra gently removed Scott's hand from his shoulder and walked away, hearing Isaac's comment to Scott as Ezra left, "Now they're getting to you too."

Ezra slowed his steps as Isaac appeared by his side, the werewolf looking down at Ezra with a grin. Ezra returned the expression as he linked his arm with the taller male's. He was quickly growing friendly with the nicely smelling werewolf, maybe it was because they both hated the same people.

Regardless, Isaac's smell was oddly comforting for a werewolf, whose scent Ezra usually hated, so it was a pleasant change. Though it wasn't as comforting as Stiles, Ezra was content at the moment.

"Has anyone told you that you're attractive?" Ezra asked as the two walked to their shared lunchtime detention, both of them pointedly ignoring the envious looks they got.

"Not openly, but I'm sure most people have told you," Isaac said with a smirk as he gave Ezra a playful wink. The vampire laughed, his head thrown back and the corners of his eyes wrinkling. He composed himself and nodded his head at the playful flirt, he was sure the two of them would get along. And if Isaac was reminded of Erica whenever he looked at the pretty vampire, it never was voiced out loud.

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