9 | MATES?!

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   THEY HAD TAKEN Ezra to Deaton, the male giving Ezra blood bags of animal blood

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   THEY HAD TAKEN Ezra to Deaton, the male giving Ezra blood bags of animal blood. Though he placed it in a styrofoam cup which allowed the male to drink it from a straw. The pretty male was left in his care as Scott and Alison left the clinic to go back to school. Deaton lectured and informed Ezra about the recklessness he had for his health. The fact that his body could start to mummify if he kept neglecting his need to drink blood.

  "Okay I got it, boss," Ezra grinned as he sipped the blood from a cup, "I promise I'll drink more regularly, I've just been busy lately."

  "So I've heard," Deaton sighed as he tidied up the room, "Scott's told me you've developed an... interest in Stiles, why's that?"

  Ezra swung his legs slightly as he hummed with thought. Smiling when he pictured Stiles in his mind, the mole-faced male making him feel giddy, "I was automatically drawn to him when I first saw him, like, he was the only one I wanted if that makes sense."

"Can you elaborate a bit more?" Deaton asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, he sounded suspicious as he started to broom. As he had a dog in here earlier that he had to shave some hair off so now there was stray dog hair on the floor.

  The clinic had been closed early so Deaton could take care of Ezra. Making sure the young vampire would be okay to get home by himself. The damage he received from one of the twins had healed quickly once he had been given blood. So this was just Deaton checking up with the unsupervised teenager.

"His blood was seriously entrancing to me," Ezra closed his eyes and scrunched up his nose as he thought about Stiles, "it was more distracting than usual, and I can't help but want to be near him often, oh! and I feel more at ease with him!"

Deaton threw away the dog hair he had swept up and cleaned off his hands. Then he finally turned to look at the young vampire that sat on top of the metal operation bed. Deaton took in Ezra's appearance watching as he smiled softly, rambling about how Stiles made him feel. His eyes closed as he swung his feet and occasionally drank from the styrofoam cup.

"I think," Deaton got Ezra's attention as he spoke, the male opening his eyes as he stared at Deaton with a tilted head, "I think Stiles might be your mate."

"What? My 'mate', what does that mean?" Ezra asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, his cheeks puffing out slightly as he aggressively took a sip from his drink. Which made small drops of blood splatter into his cheek, the red contrasting against his skin. Though Ezra quickly licked it away when he felt it.

  "Well, I don't know much about it," Deaton explained as he moved to grab a book from a cabinet higher up, opening it and reading it before explaining further, "as vampires don't like saying much about being mated, but in a sense, once you develop deep feelings for someone you're essentially bounded to them for eternity."

  "I still don't get it, can you explain it simpler," Ezra whined as he scrunched up his nose with confusion, "does that mean I'm in love with Stiles?"

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