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  EZRA HAD FOUND HIMSELF signed up for the cross country team

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EZRA HAD FOUND HIMSELF signed up for the cross country team. He did it in hopes of getting closer to Stiles and because the coach saw him running around the field during his free period. It was to clear Ezra's mind so he didn't notice the older male watching him run at a fast pace.

So here he was a couple of lockers down from the unexpected Stiles. With Ezra's super hearing he heard Stiles start to rant about him being a virgin. Which made Ezra laugh a bit, so he shut his locker and made his way behind the two.

"Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now," Ezra smiled at Danny, who he remembered from the time in the Library with Lydia and Allison. Ezra placed his finger to his lips as he listened into Stiles rambling.

"Someone needs to have sex with me, like today," Stiles continued frantically as he moved his hands around, "like, someone needs to sex me right now!"

"I'll gladly 'sex you', Stiles," Ezra smirked as he leaned against the locker Danny had closed for him.

Scott grinned at the sight of Ezra as Stiles let out a noise of surprise as he turned to face Ezra. Not expecting to see the pretty male in the locker room.

"What?" Stiles blinked before registering who was in front of him, his cheeks turned a light pink color, "really?"

"Yup," Ezra popped the 'p' as he leaned closer to Stiles, "come over to my place, I live alone."

Erza winked as Stiles backed up slightly, "also be prepared to stay the night, I plan on getting my taste of blood."

"Nevermind, I was going to say the offer was sweet, but screw you," Stiles complained as he rolled his eyes.

"I mean I wanted to screw you, but if you really don't want to I guess not," Ezra frowned as Scott laughed at his friend's stunned expression.

"What?" Ezra asked as he watched the two, "I think Stiles is attractive?"

"You're not kidding?" Stiles asked in a hushed tone. An eyebrow raised as he squinted at the thin male, his eyes racking over Ezra's features. His features pinched with disbelief making his nose scrunch slightly.

"No, obviously not, have I not made it obvious?" Ezra asked confused as he glanced at Scott for confirmation.

"Hey, I'm not going to say anything," Scott raised his hands as he smiled sheepishly at Ezra. He could smell the confusion on the vampire which made the situation Scott was watching more amusing.

"I barely know you," Stiles groaned as he shut his locker along with Scott. Though his cheeks still held an embarrassed tint of pink at the thought of the pretty male thinking Stiles was attractive.

"I told you before, let's change that!" Ezra complained as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was like he needed to be with Stiles and it confused him. All he knew was that he truly wanted to befriend Stiles.

"I don't trust you! All you talk about is how you want to taste my blood!" Stiles retaliated as he frowned at the sulking male.

"Yeah dude, it's a little weird," Scott smiled apologetically at the vampire. The vampire was still a mystery to the best friends.

"I know, but I can't help it," Ezra whined as he glared at the ground. The vampire hadn't been one for all that long and the person who turned him had died before he could teach Ezra anything.

"Look," Scott sighed as he moved to pat Ezra's back, "I don't think you're a bad person, so you can hang out with us, but cut down on weirding Stiles out with the whole 'I want to taste your blood' thing, okay?"

"Yeah! I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not a freaking blood bag!," Stiles sighed before offering an awkward smile, "I don't really like blood, it makes me squeamish."

"Deal, does that make us friends?" Ezra asked, hopefulness dancing in his eyes. Having spent years on the run, Ezra never got a chance to experience friendship with others.

The two best friends looked at each other before looking back at the slightly shorter male, "yeah, I guess it does."

Ezra smiled brightly as he cheered for their newfound friendship. Though he knows it'll take them a while to fully trust him, that was okay. He was willing to do whatever it takes to earn their trust.

Ezra was jogging next to an out-of-breath Stiles, Scott had run ahead of the two a while ago. He seemed to be chasing after a tall, curly-haired boy. While the curly-haired male seemed to have taken off after the twins. The vampire wanted to stay out of it as all the males had reeked of dog.

"Are you okay?" Ezra asked as he curiously watched Stiles pant. His features pulled with exhaustion as he curled into himself slightly. He ran with a limp as Ezra heard his heart beat at an unsteady pace.

"I'm good," Stiles strained to get out as he wheezed, giving Ezra a thumbs up.

"Are you sure?" Ezra asked again, though this time he sounded more worried. It would pain him to see Stiles hurt or scared.

Stiles only waved him off as they jogged side by side. Ezra smiled slightly at the state Stiles was in, sweat trickled down his face and neck. Yet, the male still smelled nice to Ezra, though now he smelled slightly of sweat.

"Would you like me to carry you, princess?" Ezra teased as Stiles turned to glare at him.

"Ha ha, very funny," Stiles mocked, "I'm not the one who has the looks of a princess."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Ezra grinned as he winked at Stiles.

"It wasn't supposed to be a compliment," Stiles grumbled as he almost tripped over a rock. Though Ezra caught him by his arm and pulled him back into place, "thanks."

"No problem," Ezra smiled at Stiles, having to tilt his head down slightly to make eye contact, "princess."

Stiles scoffed and shoved Ezra's hand anyway, though it wasn't a harsh push. It held a type of playfulness to it as Stiles wore a friendly smile.

Their moment was cut short when the scent of blood entered Ezra's nose. It was instinctual when Ezra's fangs poked out and his eyes glowed grey. He quickly followed the scent at a fast pace, his mind a blur.

The shouts of a confused Stiles fell deaf on Ezra's ears. The scent of blood overwriting any control Ezra had over himself. Though the scent wasn't sweet like the Stilinski boy's was.

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