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 EZRA SAT ON HIS BED whining as his mind ran through what happened in the classroom

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EZRA SAT ON HIS BED whining as his mind ran through what happened in the classroom. His cheeks had a faint tint of pink, which Ezra thought was impossible as he was technically dead. Like, he was pale and cold to the touch type of dead.

Ezra had just exposed himself to Stiles and possibly Lydia. Ezra didn't know what he was thinking when he decided to put a shield around Lydia. Then he had lost control the second he smelled Stiles blood. How embarrassing.

Which, Ezra couldn't get out of his brain. The sweet, intoxicating scent of Stiles. Ezra covered his face with a groan as he felt his fangs poke at the bottom of his lip.

Just the thought of the blood sent Ezra over the edge as he imagined what the blood would taste like. He wondered if Stiles would let Ezra get a taste of his blood. Though he figured not with the way the boy had reacted to almost being bitten.

Which caused Ezra to throw himself backward on his bed. He grabbed a pillow as he rolled around his bed. How could Ezra have lost control? This wasn't his first time smelling human blood before.

"I hate myself," Ezra complained as he shoved his face into his pillow, "at least I'm pretty."

Ezra just laid in bed the rest of the day, only getting up at night to hunt for blood. He was a bit more aggressive as he hadn't eaten for two days.

His prey was a pretty-looking female, which Ezra met in a bar he snuck into. He had guided the female outside and into a dimly light alleyway. She grinned as Ezra pushed her against the brick wall.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her body. Their breaths mixing before Ezra leaned down and pressed their lips together. Her cherry chapstick entered his tasted buds as their lips moved as one.

Ezra rested his hands on her waist, squeezing slightly. She groaned as Ezra disconnected their lips. Kissing down her neck and sucking lightly, the random girl let out a breathless moan.

A grin pulled at Ezra's lips before he let his fangs out. He pressed the tips of his fangs into her skin and watched her shiver with pleasure. He made sure she wasn't in pain before he bit into her neck.

The girl let out a loud moan as she pressed herself against Ezra until their bodies were flushed together. Ezra sucked the blood out of the girl until he figured he should stop. Watching as the girl shook slightly and she swayed as if drunk.

Once he released his fangs and licked the blood that trickled down her collarbone. He carried her to the front of the bar and sat her down. He put a protective shield around her as he thanked the fact that she won't remember this happening.

With one last glance at the girl, he turned to go back home. He licked his lips as he frowned, her blood wasn't as sweet as what Stiles's blood smelled like.

The next day at school Ezra walked in with his head held high. He had put on light makeup, his lips tinted red as they were shiny from the gloss he put on. Ezra had dark red eye shadow under his eyes and small winged eyeliner, which accentuated his slim eyes.

He wore a nice outfit and pretty dangly earrings. Ezra had a plan, he was going to woo Stiles. Yes, his plan was brilliant and he was determined to get a taste of Stiles's blood.

He grinned as he made eye contact with a blushing male. Ezra sent him a wink as he licked his lips. The male almost ran into his locker with the way he scrambled to leave Ezra's sight.

Ezra laughed but he paused when he caught sight of Stiles. He watched as the male talked to a tan-skinned male, who Ezra recognized from class. Though he paid no mind as Ezra used his super-speed to get to Stiles quicker.

Stiles's friend smelled of dog and pet medicine, Ezra assumed he was also a werewolf. The dark-haired male must have heard Ezra because he turned and made eye contact with the pretty male.

Ezra smirked as the male looked confused. Though Ezra continued with his mission as he reached Stiles who didn't even notice Ezra. So, Ezra reached out and turned Stiles around, pressing the male against his locker.

Ezra watched as Stiles dropped the books that he had in his hands. His eyes widening in shock and his mouth hung open. Ezra slammed his hands on either side of Stiles's head as a grin stretched across his lips.

"What the hell?!" Stiles exclaimed as his cheeks blushed pink, though he tried to play it off as he avoided eye contact with Ezra. To bad for him cause Ezra could hear the way his heart had skipped a beat.

"Hi, Stiles" Ezra smiled as Stiles's scent flooded his senses, "do I look pretty?"

"What? Why are you asking me?" Stiles rambled as he furrowed his eyebrows, still looking anywhere else but the male in front of him, "I don't even talk to you!"

"Well let's change that!" Ezra whined as he tried to make eye contact with Stiles. Ezra made eye contact with Stiles's friend who stared at him with suspicion and curiosity. Ezra only smiled kindly in his direction before continuing to try and make eye contact with Stiles.

"I think I'm good, it's not like you didn't try to bite me yesterday in class!" Stiles whisper yelled as he finally made eye contact with Ezra, "by the way, what the hell are you!"

"A vampire, isn't it obvious?" Ezra bluntly stated as he leaned closer to Stiles, sniffing at him. Though he didn't get too close as he didn't want to make Stiles uncomfortable. He figured Stiles knew about the supernatural world as he was friends with a werewolf.

"Now that I think about it, yes it's very obvious!" Stiles glanced at his friend who watched warily, though he used his figures to list the number of things down, "you were cold, you have pale skin, and you kept talking about how I smell good! Also let's not forget you tried to bite me!"

"Yup, by the way, can I have a taste of your blood?" Ezra boldly asked with a tilt of his head, though the smirk that clung on his lips was the opposite of innocent.

"No! What do I look like? A fucking blood bag?!" His words dripped with sarcasm as he threw his arms up and turned to his friend, "Scott help me out here!"

"Uh okay," Scott moved forward and peeled Ezra away from Stiles with ease. He looked awkward as he held the vampire by his shirt. Ezra looking like a kicked puppy as he pouted.

"Come on Stiles," Ezra whined as he let Scott pull him away, "I even dressed up pretty for you."

"Well, I didn't ask you to do that!" Stiles yelled as he glared slightly, though the red hue on his cheeks betrayed him. And the way his heart pounded a bit quicker told Ezra he was at least embarrassed.

"You're right," Ezra nodded his head in agreement, "I still want to taste your blood though."

"No, it's not happening!" Stiles yelled as he picked his books up from the ground and stormed away.

The bell rang soon after which caused Scott to let go of Ezra and follow along behind his friend. Not before telling Ezra, it was nice 'talking' to him.

"Not even a sip?!" Ezra exclaimed as he ran to catch up with the two friends.

"No! Leave me alone!" Stiles yelled over his shoulder.

"We have the same class!" maybe Ezra should have planned what he was going to say better.

Oh well, Ezra thought that Stiles was cute. He was still determined to get a sip of the male's blood.

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