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  THE VAMPIRE AND THE WEREWOLF sat next to each other

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  THE VAMPIRE AND THE WEREWOLF sat next to each other. Ezra rested his cheek on the palm of his hand, which was propped up on the table. He wore a lazy grin as he made eye contact with Mr. Harris. Who sent him an annoyed glare as soon as the grin stretched onto Ezra's lips.

"Is getting lunchtime detention amusing to you, Seong?" Mr. Harris spat as he raised a threatening eyebrow. Daring the pretty junior to say something stupid.

"No sir," Ezra smiled as he heard Isaac cough to cover up a laugh that escaped his lips.

Mr. Harris gave the two an unamused glare before he turned his attention to the table next to the two boys. Listing out things for everyone to do as punishment.

"Restocking the janitor's closet," Mr. Harris eyed Isaac and Allison. Ignoring the weird tension the two of them radiated before turning to look at Ezra, "Cleaning this room until it's spotless of dust."

Ezra mumbled some form of complaint but it fell deaf on Mr. Harris's ears as Isaac stood up from his seat abruptly. Causing a loud sound to ring in Ezra's ears as the chair dragged along the floor. The vampire winced as twitched to cover his ears, though he knew that would be pointless.

"Oh, Mr. Harris, " Isaac spoke as politely as he could as he walked to stand in front of the expressionless teacher, "um, does it have to be with her? Like can't I restock the closet with Ezra?"

The tall male whispered as he pointed over his shoulder and at the brunette male, "now that I know you prefer not to restock the closet with her and wish to do it with Ezra, then yes you have to be with her."

"Tough luck," Ezra offered a tired smile as his cheeks puffed out slightly. Isaac just frowned at his new friend and sluggishly moved to stand next to Allison. Ezra giggled as Isaac's expression reminded him of a kicked puppy.

The two teens exchanged awkward words before exiting the room, along with the other students, to do what they were assigned. Mr. Harris also left after telling Ezra where he could find his supplies. Seeming almost pleased that he was the cause of Ezra's misery.

The vampire stood from his seat slowly and moved out into the hall to grab everything he needed. Finding the small storage closet, Ezra pulled out an old, wooden broom and a duster. Almost knocking down multiple items that were stacked on each other, though he managed to catch them before they fell.

Ezra shut the door of the closet with a sigh of relief and made his way back into the biology classroom. He dropped the duster onto a random table and started to sweep the floor. Being mindful of random beacons that still littered the tops of some tables. Ezra decided he was going to put them away after he was done brooming.

Though suddenly he got a strong whiff of dog and Ezra quickly turned towards the open door. Not long after one of the twins walked through the door, his eyes a bright red and his teeth on full display as he snarled.

"What are you? Obsessed with me?" Ezra asked as he delicately rested the broom against Mr. Harris's desk. He wore a sleepy grin as he tried to ignore the way his vision blurred slightly.

"Shut up vampy," the twin barked as he flicked his wrist and suddenly his blunt nails grew into a point. Ezra's blinked away the blurriness from his eyes, trying to not show any signs of weakness.

"It's okay to admit it, I know I'm pretty," Ezra teased as his eyes glowed grey and his fangs poked his bottom lip. Ezra assumed he looked a lot better in his vampire form than werewolves looked in their form. After all, vampires used their beauty to sway their victims.

Ezra backed up as the werewolf stepped into the classroom, the dog closed the door behind him as he bared his teeth at Ezra. Trying to intimidate the thin male with his buff frame. Though Ezra only rolled his eyes at the male, who was starting to get on Ezra's nerves. Damn, Ezra was tired of being nice to all these werewolves.

"Your pretty face is all that's going for you," the male mocked as he took another step closer to Ezra, "Deucalion told us to leave you alone, but I don't see why he's so concerned about a fledgling of a vampire."

"I honestly don't know and I don't care," Ezra shrugged as he took another step back. His stance was tense as he prepared himself to fight the wolf.

"Yeah, neither do I, now show me what you can do!" the twin yelled as he ran towards Ezra.

With that, the two threw themselves at each other. Erza tried to be mindful of his surroundings as he dogged the alphas attacks. He mainly dodged and blocked the rapid fists of the increasingly annoyed werewolf. Who couldn't land a hit on the vampire before him.

Ezra used both hands to push the alpha by his chest, sending the male flying back and into a desk. Knocking off the glass beakers that had sat on top, they broke as soon as they made contact with the floor. Ezra grinned with pride but it was short-lived as the alpha roared, getting up with a newfound speed and slashing at Ezra's side.

The vampire managed to dodge the attack but not fully, his hip burned as he could feel his body rushing to heal the cut. He hissed in pain as he kicked the werewolf's leg, causing the male to stumble. Ezra then punched the alpha in the face, causing the male to get thrown backward again.

Ezra would've laughed but his vision blurred once again. He stumbled slightly as he held onto his head as if he was trying to stop the loss of vision. He didn't notice the alpha running towards him until it was too late. The werewolf punched his stomach, sending Ezra flying backward and harshly colliding with the wall.

His side still burned as he could feel his body struggling to heal itself. He hadn't had a sip of blood for a while and the effects were starting to show. Ezra wasn't healing as quickly, his vision was blurry, and he was overly tired.

"Pathetic," the werewolf spat as he stalked closer to the groaning vampire on the floor, "you can't even heal properly."

With one last hard kick to Ezra's body, the werewolf left the room. Not long after, Scott ran through the door of the classroom with Allison and Isaac trailing close behind him.

"Holy shit dude," Scott slid to a stop by Ezra and crouched down to wrap his arm around Ezra's waist. The vampire wrapped his arm around Scott's shoulder, letting the werewolf pull him up.

"Holy shit is right, 'cause I sure feel like shit," Ezra groan as he waved in Allison's and Isaac's direction, "stupid werewolf fucking attacked me."

"One of the twins?" Allison asked as she furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of Ezra's blood-covered shirt. Taking in the male's battered appearance and watching as small cuts on his face healed before her eyes.

"Uh-huh, I don't know which one though," Ezra stumbled as he tripped over the broom that fell during his fight with the alpha werewolf, Isaac grabbed onto his arm to help stabilize him.

"It seems like I'm not the only one they're trying to do more than piss off," Isaac mumbled as he helped Scott lead Ezra out of the classroom.

Allison decided not to question why Ezra was involved or what he was. She helped the two werewolves with the pretty male she only met recently. Ezra only complained about how he was going to get in more trouble for the mess the classroom fight had caused. His comments brought amusement to the serious situation they were bound to face soon.

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