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  THE SCENT OF BLOOD had led Ezra to a male, who looked around his age, tied to a tree

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  THE SCENT OF BLOOD had led Ezra to a male, who looked around his age, tied to a tree. A dog leash with the word 'Bullet' engraved into it was what held the male to the tree. To most, the sight would have been gruesome but to Ezra, it was like a plate of food laid out in front of him. It just so happened it be that Ezra was hungry.

Blood was coating the unknown male's shirt, jacket, and pants. Ezra could tell the blood was fairy fresh based on the color and the scent. Though it didn't matter to the vampire as he could feel himself drool from the smell of blood that was seeping from whatever cut had killed the male.

Ezra took a step forward, his mind was fuzzy with hunger. Before he could even bite the stale body of the unknown male. He was grabbed from behind, the fimilar scent of Stiles Stilinski flooding his scenes as the human male pulled Ezra away from the dead body. His shouts sounded muffled as Ezra turned his head around sharply to face the human.

His eyes glowing a bright grey color as he glared at Stiles, upset and hungry. But something inside of him felt guilty as he saw the panic flash through Stiles's eyes. So, Ezra shoved his face into Stile's shoulder. The pretty vampire inhaled the scent of the sarcastic male and he encircled his arms around Stiles's waist tightly.

"Whoa, uh you okay there, buddy?" Stiles hesitantly and awkwardly asked as he patted Ezra's back. His mind still rushing with slight fear as he had previously watched Ezra almost try to suck the blood of a dead body.

"Just, let me smell you," Ezra mumbled, his breath fanning against Stiles's skin. The vampire's head was pounding as he could still feel his fangs poking against his bottom lip. So, he knew if he were to lose the feeling and scent of Stiles, which were grounding him, he would lose control again.

"Uh, alright then, you know totally not weirded out or uh anything," Stiles moved one of his hands around frantically as he talked, while the other hand rested against Ezra's back. Trying to provide comfort to the freezing cold male.

The sound of multiple footsteps got louder along with the sound of branches snapping under body weight. Ezra could smell the sweat of the other students getting stronger as Ezra figured they were getting closer to where the two boys were standing. Suspiciously in front of a dead body.

"Stiles, back up a bit," Ezra instructed as he still clung onto the stiff male, "we're going to get weird looks if they find us standing this close to a dead body."

"Right, right," Stiles nodded his head as he took large steps backward, his hands resting on Ezra's back as the rest of the cross country team came into view. Though Stiles couldn't help but mumble something quietly, "it wasn't like you were trying to drain the dead body dry a couple of minutes earlier, or anything."

The vampire didn't get to respond as a loud shrill sounded throughout the place, the scream ringing in Ezra's head as he let out a groan of pain. Multiple gasps were heard as the scent of fear and panic entered Ezra's nose.

"What's the deal now?!" Coaches' voice sounded out through the screams of students before the adult caught sight of what everyone was screaming about, "Holy."

Out of thin air, Scott appeared next to Stiles as he furrowed his eyebrows at the sight in front of him. His puppy-like eyes glancing between the silent vampire, who was pressed against his best friend, and the bloody figure of the missing owner of Bullet.

"It's him, isn't it?" Stiles asked though the question seemed obvious as everyone crowded around the body. The air grew tense as Stiles subconsciously gripped onto the silent vampire in his arms tighter.

  Ezra had managed to calm down enough for his fangs to retract and his eyes to go back to their warm brown color. Though he still wanted to have something to ground himself from changing with how close he was to a bloody body. So he had his slender hand interlocked with Stiles wide hand.

The two males stood close as Stiles's dad, the sheriff, yelled out at students to get back. Along with a tanner-skinned female using her hands to making a pushing movement. Screaming at the curious students to back away from the dead body.

Stiles wasted no time pulling Ezra along with him to grab his dad by his shoulder with his free hand. The hyperactive male pulling both his dad and Ezra closer to the body to point at something. Ezra growing progressively more stiff as he stood close to the body.

"Dad, just come here," the sheriff spared a curious glance at the male his son was holding hands with, but quickly returned his attention to the important matter at hand, "look, look, look at it."

Ezra breathed in a shaky breath as he smelt the blood, squeezing Stiles hand tighter as he tried to focus on the scent of the spaz. The hyperactive male squeezed Ezra's hand back reassuringly for a second. A rush of calmness flooded Ezra as he pressed himself closer to Stiles.

"It's the same as the others, you see?" the male asked his dad with a concerned tone. His palms growing slightly sweaty in Ezra's, not that the vampire mind.

"Yeah, I see it," his dad nodded his head as he spoke quietly. Watching as his son pulled the pretty-looking boy away from the bloodied corpse, "do me a favor, go back to school, yeah?"

With that the sheriff turned his back on the group of boys and walked off towards the coach, "coach, can you give us a hand here?"

"You heard the man, nothing to see here!" Coach yelled as he addressed the onlooking students, "probably just some homeless kid."

"Coach," Scott hesitated to step forward as the coach's eyes landed on him.


"He was a senior," Scott inform the coach dimly. And Ezra would have found the coach's reaction funny, but he was standing so close to a blood-covered body that he couldn't find the situation amusing.

His brain and instincts were telling him to drink from the open fountain of blood, but Ezra knew he shouldn't. So he fought back the urge as he tugged Stiles body closer. Which startled the male as he let out a yelp of surprise. But for some reason, Ezra was calmer around Stiles and that was all he needed.

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